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Writing Sample Length vs. Requirements

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One of my friends told me to "max out" the number of pages suggested for the writing sample. For example, if a program asks for 10-20 pages, then you should give them 20 pages. Is this true? 

Would it be acceptable, do you think, to send a 15 page paper to a "10-20 page" school? How about 15 pages to a "15-20 page" school? 

Thanks so much for reading!

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I'm planning on submitting about 15-17 pages to everywhere that asks for 10-25. Decided against anything much longer mostly because I read on Columbia's (....I think? Might have been another program, so don't quote me on this. But somewhere definitely said it.) admissions page that, although they ask for 15-20 pages, you can submit a longer sample. But, if you submit something longer, it likely won't be read past "the first 15 pages." It probably won't be read up to the upper-end of the writing sample range, but rather the lower. I'm not sure if this means that the first 15 pages will be read most closely for any paper, even those within the limit, or for only those unedited ones that have the potential to drone on, but, this possibility of only the first 15 being read made me decide not to max out the limit. 

Dunno if this is an overall good idea, or not, but, just my thoughts based on this one set of instructions.

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Maybe I'm being naive, but I don't think schools are trying to dupe you. "10-20 pages" doesn't mean "only a moron would submit a ten-page paper"; it means "we realize you may not have written a seminar paper, but you've almost certainly written something over ten pages; send us that." Submitting a 15 paper would be fine for either of the two ranges you mentioned. 

And, in general, I think it's a terrible idea to drag out a paper simply so that it can be longer. That's a hallmark of bad prose. Keep it short and sweet. The adcom will be grateful.

Edited by Ramus
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