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I'm a Total Moron - Is All Lost? (Application Screw-Up)

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Hi all,

So like the topic suggests, I'm a total moron, or at least I feel like one right now. I was applying to two programs at my first choice school today. The first one went fine, but was unusual in that they request the writing sample to be uploaded at a totally separate website after the application itself is submitted and paid for. I erroneously assumed this was standard practice across the university. Consequently, I submitted my app to the second program, then went to find their link to the same website, only to find *they* request the writing sample be attached to the application under "miscellaneous documents." So, I basically submitted an application without a writing sample, since I can no longer edit it. It's frustrating as hell because I spent several months agonizing over this, only to totally screw it up at the final moment. There was no mention of this in the application itself; I didn't see this info until I went several pages deep on the department webpage. Anyway, I know this is my own screw-up. 

I've emailed the graduate admissions office with a copy of the writing sample to ask if there's anything that can be done, but I worry that 1.) they'll say no, I'm out of luck, or 2.) they'll accept it but the fact that I had to email them about such a blunder in the first place will expose me as the absent-minded doofus I really am and just result in my app being immediately tossed out anyway. 

Anyone else ever been through something as stupid as this? If so, did it work out okay? Is all hope lost? :(

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I can totally understand the panic caused by this, but I don't think it's a big deal. It's a little more work for the grad admins, but that's what they're there for. I suspect that as long as you're before the deadline it'll all be fine.

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