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What to do if asked for too many recommenders?

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Alright, so I'm facing a bit of a dilemma here. I asked 4 people for reference letters for grad school since I wasn't sure who would get back to me in a timely fashion, and if each person would be able to write a reference, or if they would be able to write one to all of my schools. I sent a list of my schools, and all agreed that they could send a letter for me to every program. Most of my applications have an automated email reference request, and I was inputting the reference emails as they responded to me. I consider all of my references to be equal in importance. Some of the programs only allow for a total of 3 names to be entered, so now I'm not sure how to tell the last person that I have already filled the reference spots for a few of the applications. I don't want to sound rude since they are doing me a huge favor, and this person has been especially helpful in my undergraduate career. I would appreciate any advice here. Thanks!

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How many programs only allow for 3 names? If there is not many, you can just email that one recommender and say something like: Thanks for agreeing to write for all of these schools, but it turns out schools X, Y, and Z have a limit on the number of letters and I am not able to add you as a recommender---so you're off the hook! etc. Maybe you can say it in person if you prefer. Ultimately, as long as you don't get into specifics (no need to say how many recommenders or that they ranked 4th because of XYZ etc.) To be honest, even though they do want the best for you, they might be a little secretly glad to have less work to do.

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I just picked and choose which referees would get which programs based on who the referee was/is and who I thought would write the best LOR for the particular program in question.  The reason why I had done this was because I had participated in three different research opportunities within three different disciplines (chem, biochem, and ecology/environmental--although ultimately falling under biology).  I also had one referee who was/is from Humanities; it was a research/writing intensive course where our sole evaluations came from participation and projects.  My last referee was someone from Administration who is aware of my "work ethic" and dedication outside of the classroom.  

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Thank you for all of the suggestions. I was just hesitant to tell the person that they are "off the hook" for a few programs since they work in close proximity with another person writing my recommendations that had responded sooner and had been asked to write for all of the schools, but perhaps I will take that route. It was difficult since my 2nd, 3rd and 4th references all rank equally in my mind. I just selected based on who responded first.  This person is always busy so I'm sure they will be happy to have a little less work. 

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