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Applying/Leaving MDiv to Start PhD?


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Hey everyone!

I've established a pretty strong connection with a POI who has encouraged me to apply this time next year (to start Fall 2017). As the way their department works, it's her cycle to take on a student. If I don't apply, it'll be another three years approx. before she takes on someone else.

Potential problem is, I won't have my M.Div completed by the time I'd start in 2017 - I'll be a semester short. From her strictly application advice, it won't impact me negatively to leave my program in order to start a PhD. In fact, after a year in she'd be glad to work with me and set aside time for me to take a course a semester at the school and finish my MDiv. My present MDiv school and the potential PhD school would be within a commutable distance.

I am pursuing ordination so obviously leaving my program would prolong ordination but that's really the only negative I foresee. Am I missing something?

I'm looking to study a fairly new ethical and theological field, at least within the constraints that I want to shape my research. After contacting north of 40 faculty that are tangentially related, I was consistently referred to the same three scholars that I need to work with. Fortunately one is a couple hours away and has been willing to meet and discuss my ideas and thus her advice to apply now rather than waiting.

I guess I just want to make sure that I'm not overlooking something and shooting myself in the foot. On the one hand, there is no harm in applying but if I get in and decide to pursue it, it means restructuring quite a bit of my life.

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If the school with the POI accepts people without a M* degree, then absolutely apply. The worst that could happen is you don't get it. If you have a POI who is really interested in having you apply, I don't think there's any downside, especially since you'll only have one semester left for the MDiv. 

Edited by marXian
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