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An encouraging though to applicants from a current PhD student


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Hi Everyone, I am a PhD student in biomedical data science and wanted to give you all some food for thought during this stressful time of applications. 

If you are applying to graduate school, you most likely have never truly failed anything in your life. Yes, a course may have turned out poorly, you were rejected from X school, or your GRE/MCAT didnt turn out as well as you would have liked. But, in reality you have never TRULY failed. This, my friends, should be the most encouraging thought you can have. 

If you apply to reasonable schools for your profile, YOU WILL GET IN SOMEWHERE. Applying to graduate school is a crap shoot sometimes, but one or many schools will accept you and you will find a great program to go to. When I was applying, I was rejected from most of the "safety" schools I applied for and was accepted to one of the best schools in my field. Like I said, a total crap shoot, but IT WILL WORK OUT. 

Interviews SHOULD BE FUN. If your interviews aren't fun, you're doing it wrong. Use them as a time for travel, to talk to smart people about topics you're excited about, and to meet dozens of people who share your interests. Laugh, learn, and just have fun. Just remember to stay professional while you do it. The easier you are to interview, the more the interviewer will like you. 

Have patience, have confidence, and know that you have never truly failed anything in your life. Grad school applications will be no different. You will learn, succeed, and thrive. 

Merry Christmas and safe travels to your interviews!

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