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Typo in HGSE Masters online application question


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Hello everyone: I noticed I had a typo in one of the answers to a question on the application, after I hit submit button. The question about interruptions in your education, I typed "tool" instead of "took" so just wondering if that is such a big deal?? I could email HGSE admissions and tell them about this typo and request them to correct it. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I checked my SOP and other essays, no typo's in them. Thank you

Edited by Huskyboy2015
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This is one of my fears.  I suppose it couldn't hurt to email them, but maybe it's drawing too much attention to a very small problem.  I have heard from admissions departments (not HGSE) in the past that one typo here or there is not the be all end all of the application, and would likely be something they overlook if your application is strong.  Multiple typos would be a different story.  Considering this was for one of the side application questions and NOT your SOP, I don't think it's a big deal at all and probably best left alone.  

I also think they're reading our applications so quickly that half the time they don't even notice things like that (or appreciate the good).  I know they say they read over our applications with great care, and to some extent I believe that, but not in every capacity.

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I truly believe that you are just going through too much stress right now to see things clearly. It's ONE TYPO. Proves you are HUMAN. That's all. :) You can write to someone and ask (make sure you are writing to a 'small' administrator, and not to someone who will actually be reading your app), or call (better - in that case you will be calmed at once) if that's what it takes for you to be able to sleep at night again, but, in my humble opinion, it is nothing. I am sure I have got typos in my apps, too. When you do write, I suggest to not specify what the typo is, but simply ask whether a typo can hurt your chances.

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I replied in the HGSE forum, but the short version, in case others want to know: I made a small mistake too (the same mistake in 2 applications), and I emailed admissions for my own peace of mind - in both cases, they wrote back to say it wasn’t a big deal. like the commenter above said, I think we are just so terrified we want it all to be perfect, but if it’s just one thing out of your whole application, then I guess it won’t make too much of a difference. i was actually admitted to those schools in the end.

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One typo is not going to sink an application! I've gotten job interviews at places where there was a typo in the cover letter. Everyone makes small mistakes or "fat finger" typing errors. It's okay.

For your own peace of mind, I urge everyone NOT to read through their submitted applications. It'll just make you even more stressed out or nervous.

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