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4 minutes ago, haltheincandescent said:

Yeah, it looks like they might be trying to talk with everyone? Or at least everyone that met some sort of really basic cut off? I agree it's pretty weird, though--especially to only officially notify potentially the afternoon before. We'll see I guess?

Yeah I'm hoping that I'm somewhat special! I can't imagine them sending that email to 600 applicants... 

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1 minute ago, County said:

I wonder if together we can figure out if there's anything in common with these interview requests.

Will be interesting to see how many ppl reply to doodle poll! 

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12 minutes ago, genderboi said:

Yeah I'm hoping that I'm somewhat special! I can't imagine them sending that email to 600 applicants... 

I think there were only about 60 slots on the poll, so, I can't imagine they sent it to every applicant. But, we'll see. With so many people, I'm just hoping that a time conflict (making me one of the applicants not able to be interviewed) won't be a cause for rejection, with the committee favoring those they were actually able to talk to. I work most of the hours listed, and so couldn't choose many of the options (and since I won't know if I'm even being interviewed or on which day until potentially the day before, I won't be able to take any time off). Super awkward as far as planning goes for full-time employed people.

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Are these interview requests for PhD or MA? Sincerely hoping that MA decisions are still to come but if not I was wondering if those who had received interview requests could perhaps share their gpas, gre scores, work experience etc? I have not been able to figure out the type of applicant that UChicago looks for and would be very grateful for any tips!

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Did you apply to MAPH?  If you did, those decisions come much later, as they funnel most of the unaccepted Ph.D. applications into MAPH review.  I recommend searching about MAPH in this forum.  Suffice to say that it is primarily a cash cow program.  Full disclosure: I did MAPH and learned a ton, had a great experience, and did have a partial tuition scholarship.  Even with that, though, I regret the debt, and a funded MA at an unknown or small school is going to probably do more for you CV than an unfunded MA from UChicago.

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Looking at the comments from the previous year, it looks like UChicago sent out a similar email: 

@haltheincandescent, sorry to hear about the potential scheduling issue -- but I feel (and hope!) that they will understand that some people work full-time and that this shouldn't be a penalty. This is just a guess, but I think faculty whose interest align with yours will conduct the interview, and since there are only about 60 people, there should be plenty of diverging schedules and interviewers and interviewees that you should be okay. :) 


5 hours ago, lostillusions12 said:

I was wondering if those who had received interview requests could perhaps share their gpas, gre scores, work experience etc? I have not been able to figure out the type of applicant that UChicago looks for

I'm not an expert, but from what I've heard, stats aren't as relevant in English grad admissions as are the less quantifiable stuff, like "fit" and how much your interests/abilities shined through in your SOP and WS, and how they are relevant to the department at that moment. I wouldn't worry too much! If anything, I feel like the interview email is more of a good sign than anything else -- it just seems more likely that they had sent out the potential interview invites to candidates they were actually interested in since the whole scheduling thing is probably going to be complicated and time-consuming on their part. 


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I was contacted for one. There wasn't much more info in the email, in terms of how many people of those 65 time slots really ended up getting one, or whether it was a crucial step, or rather one that's helpful for them, but if people in your field (which is how they seem to be assigning interviewers) weren't available at the same times you said you were available it would be okay as well. We'll see I guess.

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So, they asked me some relatively specific stuff about my sample, focusing on larger thoughts behind it, and the same for my statement, really. Then gave me time to ask about the program. It went okay (I'm a nervous interview person, though). They also said decisions in about a week.

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Had this interview as well. Questions they asked:

Why a PhD with a creative MFA? How do I see these two relating?

Where do I see my research going forward/how do I see it relating to my previous work?

They asked me one question about the theorists I was examining relating to some things I said in my statement.

Good luck everyone!

Edited by ajf330
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