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8 hours ago, MarineBluePsy said:

Dried beans are also cheaper so that's a plus.  Because dried beans take way longer to cook regardless I find that sometimes I need to let the beans slow cook for a bit first and then add everything else, so you'll have to experiment until you find the right method.  I've heard some people soak them overnight first and then add them to slow cooker recipes, which is something I haven't tried but doesn't seem too inconvenient. 

I've never found the cost savings of dry beans to be worth the hassle. First soaking them overnight, then pre-cooking them so they aren't mushy or hard by the time your food is done is a bit of a pain. Basically if you're off with cooking it can mean the difference between eating right away and 1-2 hours of waiting. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone! I've been doing a bit of research on living expenses as a (single) grad student. I found this cost breakdown on Yale's site and was wondering if anyone else had seen it or if the current grad students can verify how accurate it is. I will probably be able to shave quite a few of the expenses here if I stay in the South for my PhD program (I've been accepted to Vanderbilt), but in case some other offers pull through, I wanted to get a better feel for my options. Thanks!

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12 minutes ago, jdot104 said:

Hi everyone! I've been doing a bit of research on living expenses as a (single) grad student. I found this cost breakdown on Yale's site and was wondering if anyone else had seen it or if the current grad students can verify how accurate it is. I will probably be able to shave quite a few of the expenses here if I stay in the South for my PhD program (I've been accepted to Vanderbilt), but in case some other offers pull through, I wanted to get a better feel for my options. Thanks!

there's probably a tonne of information on each university website, you just have to dig a bit! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too cook in crock pots all the time.  I agree with everyone talking about crock pot meals.  They are just so easy.

I also like this website/blog a lot.  There are tons of great ideas for budget/cheap meals that still taste great.  Most of this stuff freezes well too so you can make a meal, freeze half of it, and eat the rest a week or so later.  


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1 hour ago, HopefulPHD14 said:

I too cook in crock pots all the time.  I agree with everyone talking about crock pot meals.  They are just so easy.

I also like this website/blog a lot.  There are tons of great ideas for budget/cheap meals that still taste great.  Most of this stuff freezes well too so you can make a meal, freeze half of it, and eat the rest a week or so later.  


I love budgetbytes!!! I even purchased the book :)

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