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Vanderbilt vs. Teachers College

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This week, I was accepted to Vanderbilt and Columbia Teachers College for speech-language pathology (My 2 top choices!!!) As an out-of-field applicant with no prereqs done, I'm incredibly grateful to be in this position, but I don't know how I'll ever decide between the two. I plan to visit both, but in the meantime, can anyone give me some insight on either of these programs? I'm interested in the bilingual opportunities at TC, but I know Vanderbilt is ranked much higher...any ideas why? Obviously NYC and Nashville couldn't be more different, both are expensive, and there really is no wrong choice here. 

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Hi! I'm sorry I don't have any super constructive advice, but I just wanted to say that I'm in the same situation as you are! I'm really interested in working with bilingual/Spanish-speaking populations, so the Bilingual Extension Program at TC is a big draw for me. I am very worried about funding for both of these schools. Any advice or firsthand accounts from anyone would be super helpful!

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Also in the same situation - between TC and Northwestern and likewise, Northwestern is ranked much higher. What I'll be doing is visiting both schools so that I have the opportunity to see where I fit best! I'm not sure whether Vanderbilt has a bilingual focus but I think that's one of TC strong suits and how diverse New York is! It's tough cause all programs offer different focused and experiences. It all depends on what you really want! 

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Hi @newspeechie93 and everyone-- congrats on your acceptance! Regarding TC, if I was accepted (rejected haha but it's ok!), I was going to apply for the DOE scholarship. You have to serve the NYC DOE for a few years after graduation, but it's a pretty good deal (least in my eyes). Just wanted to let you know in case you hadn't heard about it! Best of luck!


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Thank you so much for the advice, @MrsH! That's a very helpful suggestion. I was going to call the financial aid office tomorrow to check on financial aid packages and scholarship information, but I'll definitely also ask about this. Thanks so much again! (I'm also really sorry about the decision. I'm sure you already have/ or soon will get into an amazing program. Definitely TC's loss!)

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Hi @newspeechie93 first, thanks so much for your kind words! Very sweet of you! But, honestly, pretty much rejected from everywhere - although already looking for ways to improve my app for next year! 

Anyways, wanted to give you the link: http://www.teachnycprograms.net/getpage.php?page_id=60

Good luck and congrats again! Best of luck in grad school! 

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