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Should I finish my master's?


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I am currently a master's student in an international security program, which I enrolled in because I wanted to do a PhD but knew I wasn't competitive enough to get into a top school straight out of undergrad. I have accepted an offer to a top PhD program (fully funded with stipend), and I have two classes left in my master's degree (which I can easily finish this summer). However, I don't know if I should even bother finishing my master's degree. I know it seems stupid to abandon my degree two classes out, but it would cost a lot of time and a huge financial burden (~10,000, AKA basically all of my savings). And, I'll get a master's degree on the way to the PhD anyway. However, I don't want this to negatively impact my admissions status, since they accepted me into the program with the understanding that I would have a master's degree, even though it isn't required and I don't have to send proof of conferral. Additionally, I want to remain competitive for internal and external fellowships, and I'm worried an incomplete master's program will negatively impact my chances of that. Also, I know that my PhD program will accept some transfer credit, but I think they accept less if I haven't finished the master's.

What would other people do? They have been very accessible and welcoming, do you think it would be okay if I asked my contact (on the admissions committee) about my problem? I don't want to come across as though I'm lazy and don't finish what I start...   

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What would I do? I'd finish those two classes. However my next choice would be to contact the admissions committee...but like you said they accepted you with the understanding that you would have a master's degree, so don't be too surprised if they say you need to finish those classes. I don't think it would come across as lazy to ask though.

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I'm in applied science, but I did this! Best decision I ever made. Check with your acceptances to make sure that you're all set, but my decision to quit my Master's had ZERO implications on any of my acceptances, including fellowships that I was offered! (!) :)

My advisor was even nice enough to hire me as staff in the meantime, so instead of writing a thesis this semester and paying for independent research credits, I'm getting paid as an RA to finish my research anyway. 

Just ask. It's never an issue unless for some odd reason your master's credits are absolutely critical to your PhD, which I doubt. I'm surprised more people don't do this... 

Good luck!

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I did this -- started a Masters to improve my chances of getting into a good PhD program, got into my first choice, and never finished the Masters. I did verify with the school that they wouldn't mind. If that's the case for you, I say save your money. The Masters has never been an issue for me, not for grants or fellowships, not for jobs, not for anything else, it just never comes up and no one cares. 

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