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I have been SERIOUSLY struggling with my decision this past month. Now everyone is emailing me asking what I have decided and it's freaking me out because I don't know yet! I go back and forth on a daily basis. I can see really good things about each (and some cons as well) so it makes it very hard. They are also very different in terms of research subject so that makes it challenging as well. Here's what I'm struggling with.

USC: It's a top 30-40 school. Good but not "top tier." The topic I'd be studying is very interesting to me and I would be doing neuroimaging, which is what I planned to do in grad school and is more in line with my previous experiences. The advisor seems very nice and a good mentor. The other grad students in the department and my undergrad advisor had positive impressions of him. His own grad student did express some reservations as to his ability to generate new ideas and said that you can tell he is a tenured professor as there isn't a sense of urgency with him. The other lab members seems good but not extremely cohesive as a lab. LA would be fun but challenging to live in. I'm a big city person but I also don't like driving a lot and that's what you need to do in LA. The stipend is $29.5K which I feel is very nice and should be enough to live on, even though LA is pretty expensive.

Michigan: It's a top 3-4 school--it has a stellar reputation for psychology. The lab is very different than the one at USC. They use hormonal, behavioral, survey, and qualitative methods. Most of those I have very little experience with. However, the topic they are studying is very exciting to me. They take a feminist and diverse perspective which I love. The advisor seems like a rockstar. She's young, newly tenured, and very productive. I can tell she would push me in ways that the USC advisor might not. The other grad students are great and I meshed with them so well when I visited. They seem to have a very cohesive lab culture. Ann Arbor would be different than I'm used to because it's a smallish college town, but that might be a nice change of pace and have less distractions than a big city. The stipend is pretty bad at $20-24K (depending on if you're teaching). But Ann Arbor isn't quite as expensive as LA. Michigan also really invests in grad students as teachers so I would get a lot of experience with teaching which I think I would love.

So in short, I'm struggling between going with researching something that fits with my past experience and something that is exciting but I am not as experienced in. I am also wondering how much stake to put into the differences between the advisors and the lab culture. And I'm struggling with how much I want to do neuroimaging and whether that will affect my hireability down the line. I know that's a lot and ultimately is up to me, but any input would be much appreciated!!

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