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so, like many of your, i have had serious problems ordering additional score reports online for the GRE. so, today i tried ordering them on the phone, to no avail. then i called customer service.

the woman in customer service claimed that she would be able to help me, but not until the 'system' was back online. i agreed to call back in two hours to straighten everything out. when i called back, i was greeted with a message informing me that due to the number of calls being received, ETS has shut down their customer service.

so let me get this straight. you make it impossible for students to use your service (a service you have manufactured into a mandatory element of admissions), and then shut down the only means of helping us through the process?

i am outraged, i mean, outraged. anyone else having this experience?

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They probably shut it down because their computer system is having issues and they were tired of having their customer service reps screamed at by stressed out grad school applicants. Hopefully their tech people have their system back up soon, but I can't really blame them for trying to protect their reps from our craziness right now. Haha.

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I was able to order score reports over the phone a few hours ago (11:30 am) thank goodness, still wouldn't let me use the on-line ordering. Thank God I'm done with all my score reporting now so I never have to deal with ETS again.

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my problem is that my 'online confirmation number' is not working, and i need to contact customer service in order to get my registration number to order score reports. so im trying to contract customer service, not the normal score reporting number.

how did you all order scores? my 'online registration number' which is 8 0's followed by 8 more numbers, seems to be useless, and is the only identifying information i have other than my social security number, which also isnt working. how did you find your registration or confirmation number? i cant seem to find ine in any of my correpsondence with ETS.

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my problem is that my 'online confirmation number' is not working, and i need to contact customer service in order to get my registration number to order score reports. so im trying to contract customer service, not the normal score reporting number.

how did you all order scores? my 'online registration number' which is 8 0's followed by 8 more numbers, seems to be useless, and is the only identifying information i have other than my social security number, which also isnt working. how did you find your registration or confirmation number? i cant seem to find ine in any of my correpsondence with ETS.

the 80000 number is not the registeration number. Your registeration number is the one on the official score report. If you have not yet received your official report yet you'll have to email/phone ETS to find out what your registeration number is. But even with the registeration number I couldn't get the online system to work. It kept saying there was an error.

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I had problems ordering score reports online. I kept getting an error message that said the information I was entering (directly from the score report) did not match their records. I called customer service (on hold for 15 minutes). It turned out that I had set up my online account at their site without using my middle initial, which was on the score report.

So if anyone is having problems with the online system, make sure your online account is set up in name that is absolutely exactly the same as the score report.

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I see! I took the GREs a month ago and have not yet received my score report. I suppose this is the cause of all my troubles...

thanks for everyone's help. I will continue to struggle and blame ETS for all of my problems.

I, too, will blame ETS for all of my problems hereafter. All of them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's absolutely frustrating to deal with ETS (not to mention the fact that the user-friendliness of the actual GRE seems to be set to the standards of the 1970's USSR). I couldn't order scores online even after sneaking into my on-campus apartment after the semester's end to find my confirmation number, which of course there is no way to retrieve online. Not having the physical paper in front of me is my fault, I know, but ETS had no online record of my confirmation number or e-mail address, which is just ridiculous. I managed to order extra scores over the phone (for an extra fee, if I'm not mistaken) after another non-user-friendly experience. Yeesh.

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