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The most asked question: Will I get in?

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Hi! I have retaken 2 CSD courses (scored a B-, B originally and got A's in both for the retakes) in them and my GPA is a 3.74 in CSD currently with the two retakes. My other CSD grades are very good! I have two transcripts - from community college, a 3.0 (which was my first two years out of highschool) and currently, at university, a 3.72 which is a huge improvement (and I think I can speak of this on my personal statement, and my grades really prove I've worked my butt off). I worked at a developmental center for 2 years, I just finished a job as an instructor for kids in a low SES demographic where I created lesson plans, and also have subsitute teaching experience. I currently volunteer in the CSD department at a hospital for 8 months now and have racked up around 60 volunteer hours (and have been given an opportunity by the SLP's to actually practice therapy on clients). I'm going to have really great LOR's, one from my prof who's on the admissions team, and one from a SLP who is a supervisor at my undergrad university / works at the hospital the admissions head worked at / knows all of my profs who are on the admissions team. The CSD department at my university knows me very well. I am bilingual, I have been an active member in my student org for almost 2 years now and am taking on a chair position this semester. My GRE scores the first time around weren't stellar - 144 Q, 153 V and 4.5 AW but I plan to retake them this semester before apps are due! SO, with all this information, I ask of you - what are my chances of getting in, given all my academic patches?! :) 

*ALSO: I am from the midwest.*

Thank you!


Edited by arz_a
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CSDCAS will factor in both the original grade as well as the retake. Non-CSDCAS schools may or may not, you'd have to check.

I would encourage applying to programs that only look at the last 60 credits attempted given your community college GPA.

If you can get your GRE's up to >300 total and at least 50th percentile on the quant (that would be I believe a 153 but I'm not 100% sure), I'd say you've got a decent shot.

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Your extracurriculars look really good and I'd say your GPA is competitive too. Your GRE scores aren't terrible but improving them couldn't hurt. Honestly, you've got a really good shot. Of course, no one can say for sure if you'll get in. Just make sure you get everything in on time and applying to a bunch of schools since you never know what's going to happen. Best not to put all your eggs in one basket, so to speak. My only other note is that you'll need 3 LORs, not 2, so start thinking about another prof to ask. And ask for your LORs EARLY. Profs are actually terrible at getting those in, even if they think highly of you. Best of luck!

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I would also really research the schools you are going to apply to and look for programs that look for really well rounded students. You will get feelings from certain schools that they really only care about numbers if you look at their EdFind stats. 

It all really depends on what schools you are going to be applying to. Make sure you write an individual SOP for each school and tailor it to why you would be a good fit for that school based on the research you have done about that school! 

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