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Better to have a LOR from professor or supervisor?

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I am applying to graduate programs beginning in December for mental health counseling

So far my choices are:

University of Florida

Florida State

University of Central Florida

New York University


George Washington University

Boston College

Each of these programs requires 3 LOR, however I currently have 4. I have 2 from professors and 2 from supervisors. I intern at the Mental Health Association of Central Florida and have for the past 2 semesters, the vice president is willing to write me a letter and I also have one from the program coordinator at the Boys and Girls Club where I volunteered/became employed as a Group Leader in the 1st grade classroom. My professor LORs are from heads of the department and I currently TA for them both. Which 3 out of the 4 do you think I should go with? Also how good do you think my chances are with these programs. I have a 3.7 cumulative, a 3.8 psychology, and a 4.0 last 60 credit hour GPA, I am trained in Guardian Advocacy, QPR, Youth Suicide Prevention, and Mental Health First Aid. I have interned for 2 semesters as a mental health connections specialist at the Mental Health Association of Central Florida, I volunteered and was eventually hired as a Group Leader at the Boys and Girls Club last Summer, I am currently attempting to get a leadership position in the UCF's Medical Intervention Outreach club and I belong to the PsyChi Honors club, and Active Minds. I also do volunteer work with Care Packaged for Central Florida which is an organization dedicated to helping Orlando's homeless. I also, as I mentioned earlier, am a TA for 2 psychology professors (Physiological Psychology and General Psychology) I am taking the GRE in October so scores are pending on that. Any feedback is much appreciated.


Edited by AllieCat1992
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