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Applying to MA: Latin American Studies or Asian Studies



This is my first post so I'm a little nervous but I'm willing to get some feedback. I am a graduating senior from a small women's college, graduating with majors in Japanese Studies, Spanish and Graphic Design. I am fluent in Spanish, know some French and Japanese. I have two professional internships that I've done and volunteered with organizations to interpret in the surrounding area with Latin American families.

I have a regional interest in Central America, specifically in El Salvador with research interests in immigration, indigenous people, folklore and oral traditions, gang involvement in Central American Countries, Civil war movements and their portrayal through media and propaganda. 

GPA: 3.7 overall (3.6 Japanese Studies and Spanish and a 3.7 in Graphic Design)

GRE: taking it on Oct. 7th, so I'm not too sure how well that will be.

I have one recommendation from a historian, one possibly by a Dean and another by professor I've known and worked.

I’m applying to UCSD, UCLA, U of Texas-Austin, and Columbia University for a Master’s in Latin American Studies. I’m also thinking of possibly applying to the PhD program at UC Santa Cruz but I’m unsure and applying to UC Berkeley for an Asian Studies Master’s. 

If anyone has insight to any of these programs, schools, or suggestions, please let me know. I'm open to discussion and any helpful tips. 

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4 answers to this question

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To me, you sound unfocused. A MA in Latin American Studies and a MA in Asian Studies are two very different things. You talked about your interest in Central America in your post but didn't mention any interest in anything in Asia... So, I guess the first question I'd ask yourself is why you want to study these things and what you plan to do after earning your MA. Right now, it seems like you're still unclear about what the point of doing a master's is, which is something I would be careful about since it can lead to a weaker application.

In general though, I advise people to try to find MA programs which offer funding, either through TA or RA positions or through FLAS fellowships. With your interest in Central America, you may want to add U Washington, Arizona State, and U Arizona, though funding may be harder to come by at those institutions. 

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Actually, I don't see them entirely disconnected. Asian migrants have been ubiquitous in Central America so I could see a connection between your geographical interests. There has been numerous studies of Asian culture in Central America, although you didn't say you want to do this. And I think here lies @rising_star's key advice: what do you want to do? You may have very good credentials but it is unclear what you want to do. Just credentials won't get you in in any of the programs that you mentioned.

Could you expand a little more on your professional goals?

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On 9/30/2016 at 0:34 AM, illuminelly said:

I have a regional interest in Central America, specifically in El Salvador with research interests in immigration, indigenous people, folklore and oral traditions, gang involvement in Central American Countries, Civil war movements and their portrayal through media and propaganda.  

This is way too broad. Needs to be significantly more narrow than this. Pick one potential topic and roll with it.

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@rising_star I do appreciate your response to this post. Thank you for your suggestions. I am more focused on gang involvement and immigration in El Salvador for my research interests. As for why I want to study this, I feel like areas like Central American and El Salvador are overlooked and I want to have a more in depth knowledge to later teach or possibly work in advocacy. 

@AP Thank you for your input. You do have a point, I do believe the connection to Asian culture in Central America a very vital part of understanding the ethnic diversity in this region. I am not super certain about it at this moment but I do feel like it could be a possible interest to look into. Like I mentioned before, I want to possibly teach or work in advocacy.

@PoliticalOrder Thank you for your comment. I do feel like I will do as you said and stick to Immigration and gang involvement. 


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