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Playwriting MFAs


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Sorry, LavenderCloud.  But perhaps you will find your "silver lining" soon!


I LOVED the "First Aid Kit" and Garfunkle & Oates videos!!!!  (I played Garfunkle and Oates's "Pregnant Woman Are Smug" for a pregnant friend the other day. We laughed so hard!)  Thank you, Genericincognito!  (Love your user name, btw!)  


And I agree about the subject matter and theatricality of BENGAL TIGER, too!  

As I have probably said previously, I didn't apply to Michener because I could not live in Texas for, well, one Texas-sized second.  (I was in Houston on a tour with a show for a lengthy sit down some years ago).  Austin is great, sure.  And I know the program at Michener is great, too.  (All that freedom and funding!)  But -- here's a comedic, tongue-in-cheek silver lining for you guys:  The bright side is, you aren't going to have to live in Texas!  Yee-freaking-haw!   ;)  

For my part, I continue to await my first contact, which will likely be a rejection.  The new weekend is now upon us, though.  So... more waiting!  ALL of my contacts will probably be rejections, I realize.  I am all but 100% certain it will happen this way.  It seems to be the rule, rather than the exception.  (Still, I DO feel great about 3 of my applications.  I produced the fourth too quickly, I think.)  


But regarding these forthcoming rejections, I offer the words of one very special Texan:   "Bring 'em on!"  I am still going to write...  And fight for productions of my work.  And I hope all of you will, too.  Because in this age where 120-characters pass for wit and wisdom and worth, the world needs REAL writers.  So write on!

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Hey everyone...


First time applyer here (Brown (for practice I guess?), Brooklyn and Northwestern).


I've seen a lot in the results section and in the forums about playwrights having to interview, and I'm just curious about the process.  Those of you who have applied before and had to interview, what is it like?  Any recurring questions, general interview lengths, etc.?


Also, I'm in the minority it seems.  I liked the dialogue in The Flick so much I bought the script after seeing it at Playwrights Horizons.

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plost5950 -- YAY!  I am legitimately glad you enjoyed the dialogue in THE FLICK and got so much out of it!  That is what I love about art and playwrighting:  That everyone can connect or not connect, get something or not.  The piece should still exist and be produced.  We need many voices!

So, thanks to your first time post, I just FOUND the results section.  Doesn't seem like the playwrighting MFA folks post regularly there.  But those that do seem to indicate ain't no one heard nothing.  (Also, searching the results board for "playwrighting" or "playwriting" yields 0 results with ANY spelling of the word.  Am I doing something wrong?  The search for "MFA" is better, but then you have to wade through all the crap...)

Regarding interview questions:  Someone on the Art/Sculpture/Visual arts board wrote a great list of interview questions.  They are certainly slanted toward visual art, but they serve any creative type well...  I will try to find them and post them here...

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For me, this brings up a bunch of results:




Although there's only one result for 2015 so far, not too much... maybe that's what you were getting at?  I keep checking it day after day even though there's no sign that any of the schools I applied to are responding to applications until later this month (at the earliest).

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Plost5950 -- thanks for the link.  I definitely was not referring to there not being any 2015 results as of yet.  I was, simply, somehow completely dreadful with the search... Ha!  Anyway --  THANK YOU for that...

Here are the questions asked of visual artists that someone posted on that thread.  If nothing else, it will get you thinking...  As I said, they are slanted toward visual artists...

How does your work fit in with the contemporary art world/scene?

Why do you want to go to XXXXX?

Why do you want to go to grad school? Why now?

What resources of this program will be the biggest benefit to your development as an artist?

What is your work about?

What are your influences?

What for you constitutes a good work of art?

What draws you to a piece of work?

What motivates your work?

Who are your main influences?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

How does your work fit in with the contemporary art world/scene?

What do you think is a good critique of your work/bad critique?

Why/how did you choose the people who wrote letters for you?

How will you contribute to this program?

What do you do for fun?


What artists do you like? (you can have a list prepared)

What artists who are no longer living influence you?

What book are you reading right now? What do you think about it?

What are you working on right now?

Please explain this work (xxxx03.jpg)

What is your favorite piece of art? Why? (Title, artist,year)

Can you describe yourself, such as personal habit, etc.

Do you get along well with others ?

What would you bring to a group dynamic ?

What do you think is a good way of criting ? a bad way?

What other aspects of culture influence your work besidesart/art history?

How do you see yourself taking advantage of this school’s enviroment/program?

What exhibition have you been to in the last year?

What have you done since you’ve graduated?

What contemporary artists are you into, and why?

Tell us about the conceptual underpinnings of your work?

Talk about your process.

What do you think about *this essay*? (related to your work)

How is your work related to *this movement*?

Do you have any questions for us?

What do you think about (artist, movement, subject/topic)

What can't you stand? Why?

What do you think about your own work?

How do you want your work to develop?

Why are you making the work you're making, and why do you want to keep doing it?

Meaning behind your subject matter?


why grad school, why now?

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Princess, those questions seem exactly on point. The questions I remember from UCSD last year include "How would you contribute to the community & to the development of your peers' plays?" (something like that, I don't remember the wording), "What are you working on now?" and "Who are your favorite playwrights?" Otherwise I got some questions from students but nothing else very interview-like from Naomi or Allan.


I just emailed Ohio U to ask for the application information. Deadline is Sunday - the 15th - and since I haven't heard anything yet from anyone, figured I'd better get started on that one. It's also been kind of comforting to me to think about what I'd do if I don't get into grad school this year. This waiting game sucks!

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I got a phone interview with the folks at UCSD, Allan and Deborah (a newer playwriting faculty). I was notified by email on Friday. Talked with Allan Sunday. I'll talk with Deborah soon. Allan said after the interview, it would be about 10 days for decisions on who to bring to campus. 


Other than that, waiting...... And it's killing me. This is so painful. 


From creeping back in the forum, around this week people were called for finalist/interviews for Michener and UT.


So maybe some news soon!!!! Hopefully!

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Tate, congrats!! Sounds like their timeline is slightly later than last year - I remember visiting in mid-February. It'll be nice if it aligns more closely with other schools. I haven't heard anything from them yet, but trying not to assume that means anything for sure...eek!

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Thanks lavender and princess!!!! Very exciting! Waiting to hear back from UCSD about in person interviews. 


I also got an email from UT stating that I'm a finalist for UT and Michener!!! Freaking out!!!


What does anyone know about UCSD interview process? I always get stuck when they ask me if I have ANY questions. Suggestions on questions to ask prospective programs?


Is Ohio fully funded? 

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Tate: Ohio has funding - I'm not sure if everyone gets an assistantship/fellowship but if you do, I believe they cover tuition and up to a $9k stipend.


Congrats on UT/Michener, that's awesome! Will they be flying you out? My friend who was accepted loved it when she visited (she got into Michener, but ended up choosing Brown).


I think I've written a fair amount about the UCSD interview process, but yes, prepare questions! They are so happy to answer anything you want to know about and since they don't ask you many questions, it keeps the conversations going if you have a lot. You'll get one-on-one time with every student and faculty member, visit some classes, and hopefully see a show or reading. Basically, if you're going to be deciding between UCSD and UT Austin and possibly other schools, you want to be as informed as possible. Ask about anything that might affect your decision: electives, funding, productions, location (they take advantage of the proximity to LA), and so on. They'll fill you in on all the bigger stuff, of course.


I checked in with UCSD and was told that they'll be in touch with me very soon. I don't know whether they'll ask me to visit again or what, but it sounds like not-bad news...just waiting! @puttputt: Thanks. I'm in rehearsal full-time for a show I'm assisting on right now but I'll try to assemble something to submit to Ohio. It was highly recommended to me and is really well-respected.

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Congrats on Michener, tate 12! Does your status still say "in review" on their website? Did you apply for just Michener or also the Playwriting MFA in the theatre department? When did you hear?


It still says "in review" on My Status on UT Direct. No news is good news, I guess. Right? Riiiiiight?

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Oh interesting! I haven't heard much about Ohio. 


Thank you! I'm in Austin! So it's just a drive over. I'm wondering about being in the running for Michener and UT. It makes me go through lots of scenarios in my head.


Wow! That's interesting. Why did they choose Brown? Better fit/aesthetic over funding, I'm assuming?


Thanks! This is very helpful. I have some rote questions I always ask. But that gives me more ideas of what to ask. I also went back and found what you said about UCSD. 


Also that sounds promising! I wonder if they'll be notifying finalist soon. 

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@Barista - I found out two days ago by email from Dietz. I applied for both the MFA through Michener and UT Department of Theatre and Dance. 


Yes, my app still says "In Review." The interview day isn't until the 27th of this month. They may still be contacting folks. 

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Thank you for letting me know tate12! And congrats! That is great you're a finalist for both programs. I just applied to Michener this year, but last year I applied to both. It seems they have their own method to their madness. My secondary concentration is screenwriting and the screenwriting folks on MFA Draft on Facebook haven't heard anything, so who knows? 


Thanks again for the info! It's amazing to me how quickly interviews occur after they notify applicants. At least you have time to prepare for it. 

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My friend had worked with Erik Ehn before, liked the smaller cohort, and just didn't feel like she fit well at Austin. She was really sure about Brown--applied there three years in a row--and while it was hard to turn down the Michener money, ultimately she loves Brown and it sounds like she's doing really well there.


@Barista: I also applied to both the Austin programs last year and only Michener this year. Overall, I still applied to more programs this year.


Also, anyone else surprised not to have heard anything from UCLA? They have SUCH an early deadline! Seriously, wtf.

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@Barista- You're welcome! I think "in review" could potentially be a good thing with them. Yes, but a lot could happen in two weeks. I would kind of preferred the interviews to be sooner. I'm so anxious. 


Oh good for her!!! That makes sense. Honestly, idk, if I could turn down the money...


Why did y'all decide to apply for just Michener this year and not both programs?

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I decided to only apply to Michener this year, because I really love screenwriting and the screenwriting video on the website with some research I did on the program made me incredibly interested in the program, but my first love is still playwriting. Love the interdisciplinary focus of the program. I think next year I may apply to UT-Austin T & D. 


I hope I hear from Michener soon. It still says "in review". I've checked 50 times today.

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