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GRE Issue Task: Practice Test 2


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Please review below essay:


Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the wellbeing of the societies and environments in which they operate. Others believe that the only responsibility of corporations, provided they operate within the law, is to make as much money as possible.


Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.



This topic raises the controversial issue of whether Corporation have responsibility to enlighten wellbeing of the Societies and Environments in which they operate or not. Everyone have different point of view based on their experience. Indisputably, corporations runs and are more concerned about growth and profit they make from their business. Nevertheless, how much they make relies on people working for them and their productivity towards companies growth, and surroundings supporting flexibility in how they operate. Thus, I generally disagree with the opinion that only responsibility of corporation is to make money provided they work within law, and would argue that as corporation work because of people and environment they operate in, they indeed owes responsibility to promote the wellbeing of the societies and environments.


First of all, Growth of these corporations are marked by people who use their Products, work for them, society enduring their presence. And I would like to point out that corporation accelerates development of the society. To illustrate, let us look at the example of tech giants such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, amazon etc. who are at top corporates with wealthy investors, shareholders and geek employees. Let's take example Hyderabad City, Microsoft built India Headquarters which has given jobs to Technical Scholars plus work to many illiterate labourers as a part of maintenance, After their initiation in City, there is new wave of growth in Hyderabad which has transformed whole city into IT Hub. In this regard, obviously corporate has direct impact on the people and how it changes society. Consequently, it is pretty obvious that the development of corporation is correlated with development of the Society.


Furthermore, if corporation only believe in making money and not caring for environment around it, then that investment won't sustain long. For example, Damages caused by Gulf OIL Spillage is still known to many. How it polluted environments and inhabitants living in that Area, it was catastrophic. Both common sense and personal experience have told us that growth is true only when all are growing else it is loss. Hence, all the evidence above demonstrates that Corporate have responsibilities towards society, environment and making money won't be a real growth as it won't last long.


Admittedly, Some corporation with low budget has risks while taking decision on responsibilities they poses towards society. This is true especially when it comes to Corporation having huge funding and ten times profit. In addition, corporates do have responsibilities towards their employees and rentals which they have to pay on time. However, the above argument does not constitute a sufficient support to claim that all corporates are running low and have no money for the society or keeping in mind environmental impacts while building any type of chemical factory. Because some corporates simply believes in filling their own pockets, and ignoring their responsibilities intentionally.


In conclusion, although some people support corporation to not involving in growth of the society or environment they operate, but their development is done by societies and friendly environment in which their people work. As long as some areas are involved, Corporate responsibly holds towards benefits of the people. In fact, Government should involve setting corporate auditory body to oversee corporates based on their revenue.


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