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Rochester Fall 2010


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I am 99.9% sure that I will be attending Rochester this fall. I was wondering who else was considering going to Rochester this fall.

I don't want to get into statistics or the pedigree of your undergraduate institution. I would like to hear about what your research interests, what brought you to the point of seeking a PhD in political science, and what you like to do when you are not thinking about political science.

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I am first on the waitlist and am 99.9% sure I would attend should a spot open up. I'll check back if one does and further introduce myself, but am studying American Politics and would likely take Formal Theory and Methods as my other two fields there. Will keep you posted.

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I've been in contact with some of you, but let me open up to the board. I'm currently a first-year student at Rochester and would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to PM.

Observe, too, that we were the only ones in the northeast to avoid the major snowstorms of the past few weeks, WOOT WOOT!

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If I may ask: what exactly do you mean by "Alabama-style"?

I think that his cynical joke (I like that kind of humor!) was referring to a biology professor at the University of Alabama who the other week was denied tenure and then proceeded to go on a shooting rampage and kill three of her colleagues. Mearshimer, like all of us, is hoping that there isn't anybody at Rochester who would do such a thing.

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Speaking of funding... do people here have experiences with stipend negotiations? (sorry, slightly off-topic)

You can always call and tell them about your other offers, and be willing to provide paperwork to verify those other offers. They may elect to increase your offer. Or they might not. You don't lose if they stand firm. You could win a lot by asking.

That being said, the offers I have been hearing from Rochester admits are pretty solid. Given the economic climate and the next-to-zero cost of living there, I doubt they are going to up very many offers.

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Yeah, I'm on wait list, as I said before, and they've already said that should I be admitted I would be offered $20k/yr plus tuition waiver for five years. Mearshimer, wouldn't the offers "you've been hearing of" be the same for everyone, barring a special fellowship/assistanship of some sort? Anyways, just curious.

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I'll probably be attending Rochester (Comparative + American and probably Methods).

Sadly, I didn't do, during the past months, anything outside of the Political-Science scope. I'm working in the field (as TA and RA) so this interest takes up most of the day. On the positive side, now I'm in I can really stop studying so the second semester can be as sparse as I wish it to be.

Anyone planning on attending the visit March 14-16?

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hey all congrats on being accepted. I'm an undergrad here at Rochester, or we as like call it Rochacha

Unfortunately, I won't be joining you guys/gals since Rochester has already rejected me. But feel free to send questions about the campus/city my way.



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Hi all! As it looks like Rochester might very well be my only acceptance, it's pretty likely I'll be heading there this fall (depending on how my boyfriend's apps turn out). I'm in for American (behaviour), hoping to have Comparative and Methods as additional fields. Won't be attending the admit weekend as I'm international and temporarily without my passport! But will hopefully meet some of you at some stage in the future. :)

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Will anyone else be going March 14-16? I am looking to go because it is two days off of work..

However, will I be the only one there? That might be a little awkward.


And if I have to act like a prospective to make you feel good, then so be it. I think most of my colleagues would rather have it that way anyway! ;-).

Looking forward to seeing you guys. IF YOU WANT ME TO BE YOUR SPECIAL HOST LET ME KNOW AND I WILL DO ALL I CAN TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. But you'd better be awesome. Like, super awesome. And bring me a tshirt. I wear an XL.

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Will anyone else be going March 14-16? I am looking to go because it is two days off of work..

However, will I be the only one there? That might be a little awkward.

Myself and one other person from outside of these boards will be there you will be with plenty of company. We will need the extra bodies to stay warm.

John Mearsheimer will be so pleased to learn that I am doing math.

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  • 1 month later...

Thought since I know that I'll be attending here (in light of my 11th hour wait list acceptance...), that I'd bump this thread up closer to the top to see who my classmates are going to be. A couple other posters here, namely Mearshimer and btanu, I know have also chosen this program. Anyhow, this should be a good way to introduce ourselves...

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