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Please help us waitlisters!


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Some schools interpret the April 15 deadline as meaning 5:00 pm local time, and others interpret it as meaning midnight on the 15th. You should check with individual schools to find out what their policy is. When I was Director of Graduate Studies, I called a waitlisted student on the phone at 8pm on April 15th to let her know that we were able to admit her. This meant, of course, that she didn't have much time to deliberate about a decision. I highly recommend that if any of you are waitlisted at a school that you might seriously consider, you should do all the same research on that school now as you've done with the schools that have admitted you (at a distance, of course, since you probably won't be visiting the schools at which you've been waitlisted). For example, you can make appointments to have phone conversations with faculty in your subfield, the DGS, and possibly a couple of current students. That way, if you get off the waitlist at the eleventh hour, you'll have all the info you need to make good decision.

Regarding SOT's question about whether you can withdraw an acceptance after April 15:

The Council of Graduate Schools has a resolution on this issue that most U.S. colleges and universities have signed on to. You can get the PDF of the resolution here: http://www.cgsnet.org/?tabid=201

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I think it can happen both ways, depending on the size of the department(?) and funding possibilities. I got off from a waitlist this week and based on the wording of their initial waitlist letter they may have had a one drop one enter policy. In another school where I got in they told me that they took a huge group of people and they expect approximately 30% to accept. They do not fund everybody so i guess they will not be in trouble even if everyone accepts. (I doubt they have a waitlist but who knows?)

Kalapocksa- Congrats on your wait list admit. If you don't mind saying, where was that?

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Withdrew from an (unfunded) offer from FSU and a funded offer of CUNY. Not the unversities the active participants in this forum were waiting for - but I still hope it helps someone out there. Good luck to all of you stuck in limbo...

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Withdrew from an (unfunded) offer from FSU and a funded offer of CUNY. Not the unversities the active participants in this forum were waiting for - but I still hope it helps someone out there. Good luck to all of you stuck in limbo...

You definitely will help some one out! Not everyone could be accepted by big name schools and I think some of us is waiting for news from unnamed school. I am eagerly waiting for fund from KSU,GSU and LSU.

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Anyone planning to turn down Princeton? I imagine the people who got in there have long since left these boards, though...

To be honest, I wouldn't hold out too much hope. They let in forty, with the aim of a class of twenty. Judging by the visiting weekend they'll get a fairly high yield. But, I guess you never know. Also, they ended up with a class of 33 or something a couple years ago so they might be shooting for lower classes these days. Either way, good luck!

Edited by ladedodaday
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To be honest, I wouldn't hold out too much hope. They let in forty, with the aim of a class of twenty. Judging by the visiting weekend they'll get a fairly high yield. But, I guess you never know. Also, they ended up with a class of 33 or something a couple years ago so they might be shooting for lower classes these days. Either way, good luck!

Good luck with Princeton! I'm in my own waitlist purgatory over here ...

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  • 10 months later...

I just turned down Pitt, so hopefully that will help! The program there is getting stronger every year (especially in my field--political behavior and methods), and it was a tough decision. Hope things work out for you!

Oh what the heck I'll jump in on this. If you have been admitted to Pittsburgh but do not plan on attending, I would be forever grateful if you would let them know of your decision sometime in Feb/March! Hopefully sooner rather than later, but I don't want to be too pushy to those lucky enough to have been acceptedsmile.gif.

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Where you headed instead? Out of curiosity, why did you turn down UCSB?

I'm also curious why you turned down UCSB? Bad fit? I've been offered admission to UCSB, but the department is admittedly lacking in IR faculty... so I can't decide if it's worth going there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I guess the Princeton admitted students' event is over. Did anyone go? Are you accepting or rejecting? What's your subfield?

Any and all responses greatly appreciated.

I really enjoyed the Princeton event - met with a remarkable number of professors with similar interests and active research projects, and I just accepted the offer of admission in the fall for American politics. My biggest concern right now is deciding whether the political economy subfield might be right for me - I had a positive discussion about it with a professor, but it would definitely come at the expense of some constitutional/public law related classes in which Princeton has a definite strength. For what its worth, I just turned down the Yale offer, so hopefully this frees up a spot for someone.

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oops, I accidentally started a new thread for LSU. I'm waitlisted for funding and it would be great to know who else is in the same boat or thinking of rejecting/accepting..

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