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Subpar Verbal, Superb AW?


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Hello everyone,

This was from a practice GRE (Princeton), but I take the real thing In a little over a week. 

My verbal score was subpar - 152 - yet both of my essays scored a 6 with two different commentators/graders. I'm applying for mainly rhet/comp programs and my top two say that the GRE is not considered extremely heavily, yet I still worry. Will my writing scores outweigh my mediocre verbal score, or am I seriously in trouble? I've studied a LOT, bought the Magoosh membership, etc. but I'm simply not a good test taker. I truly feel I've done all I can do. 

Anyone been in this situation, or can offer some insight? 

Thanks in advance. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Congrats on a 6. You are the first person I have seen who scored 6. So impressive. I kinda feel as though that is really outstanding and it is a gold stamp verifying you are very smart, because essay writing is the number one predictor of grad school success. Again, that is awesome since I've never seen a 6.0 before.

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5 hours ago, deutsch1997bw said:

I took the GRE two weeks ago and I received a 6 on the analytical writing portion. However, I've heard that this score isn't given much attention unless it's super low. 

I am applying to a mixture of rhet/comp and English programs, so it's definitely given attention to for me. :) Didn't get a six, but still happy with it. Congratulations! 

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