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Post here to whine about rejections


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To anyone out there who is working for an admissions committee,

Yes, you are flooded with tons of applications and the chances of getting in are <10% everywhere, we cannot call you on the phone, blah blah... but can you at least try harder to stop wasting people's time ? I mean you've had your interview weekends already, so how hard is it to answer with a clear yes/no for those who weren't even invited to that ?

and why do west coast schools don't like east coast folks that much !?!?!?

[aaaah, this is better than using my using my anger towards anything useful / creative :) ]

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I wanted to make this public for good karma:

I swear I won't whine about my rejections if I get at least one (and only one) acceptance.


BUT I have a feeling I made it to round #2 in all my schools but will get rejected from each.... we'll see.

[tears another calendar page]

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Rejected to U Washington's PhD in English....not unexpected, but still, Happy Venereal Day to you too, UDub.

Sorry to hear that, grifter. How did you hear? Is there a website to check, or anything like that? It seems rejections have started trickling in from the Dub.

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I just got my rejection email from Princeton. I've already gotten into two programs that I'm happy with, so I thought I wouldn't feel like this. But . . . it definitely hurts. Funny that UW is ranked higher anyway . . .

Yeah, I know what you mean-- I'm in sociology too and my rejection from Duke really hurt-- even though I'd had some acceptances from higher ranked schools. Its just hard being told they don't want you....I was hoping to at least get on their waiting list :cry:

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Me to another prospie at interview weekend: "I applied here, Stanford, Duke, Georgetown, UCSB and Pitt."

Other prospie: "Oh great! So I'll see you next weekend too, then."

Me: "What's next weekend?"

Her: "Oh. Um...Georgetown."

Well, crap. And a totally sucky way to find out. Really put a damper on my impression of Michigan, too, which was a shame.

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I wanted to make this public for good karma:

I swear I won't whine about my rejections if I get at least one (and only one) acceptance.


BUT I have a feeling I made it to round #2 in all my schools but will get rejected from each.... we'll see.

[tears another calendar page]

I haven't heard anything yet, but I am praying that I get at least one acceptance before I get my rejections. Rejections will still hurt but you know you're going somewhere, which makes them a hell lot easier to take.

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What sucks the most is when the rejection to your top choice program is the only thing you've heard so far. Ugh!

I think what sucks the most is when you haven't heard anything from your top choice program while others have got interview invitations or acceptance. This makes you rather agitated.

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Minnesotan said:

Sorry to hear that, grifter. How did you hear? Is there a website to check, or anything like that? It seems rejections have started trickling in from the Dub.

I too was rejected to the Dub's PhD in English. They emailed me. Unfortunately, I checked my email during a break in a grad seminar and had to sit through the rest of class and ruminate about my failure as an applicant. After class people who didn't know about my rejection commented on how antagonistic I seemed during the second half of seminar (LOL, if they only knew). Interestingly, while I thought I would appreciate a lack of platitudes in my rejection notification, I was actually kind of bummed by how harsh they were. The director of the graduate school basically said "The department didn't like you, and, frankly, I don't either." Sheesh! I just hope it was a form letter rather than a personalized dis.

Oh, well. Two down, nine to go.

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jewelbomb said:

I too was rejected to the Dub's PhD in English. They emailed me. Unfortunately, I checked my email during a break in a grad seminar and had to sit through the rest of class and ruminate about my failure as an applicant. After class people who didn't know about my rejection commented on how antagonistic I seemed during the second half of seminar (LOL, if they only knew). Interestingly, while I thought I would appreciate a lack of platitudes in my rejection notification, I was actually kind of bummed by how harsh they were. The director of the graduate school basically said "The department didn't like you, and, frankly, I don't either." Sheesh! I just hope it was a form letter rather than a personalized dis.

Oh, well. Two down, nine to go.

That's a horrible impression for them to give. Why do they have to be so cold? I think it would be rather helpful if they could at least tell you the strengths and weaknesses of your app, especially for PH.D applicants, where the race is much tighter than most others. That information could really help us all choose a school that is either better suited for our qualifications, or even encourage us to strengthen our weak points for the next round!

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Unfortunately, that would take a lot more time than they want to spend on these things. As it is, I'm betting the dub's English gets 400+ grad apps per year. Imagine finding something nice to say to everyone!

Anyway, I'm sorry you guys got the axe. It looks like a cool program, but there are other fishies in the sea.

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