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Post here to whine about rejections


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I got rejected by all three of my safety schools two years ago. I still got in at a god program.

No worries, mate.

I agree with this.

rejected by several not-such-strong schools didn't mean that you won't get in the top program. Since mostly some small schools can't provide you many courses that you want which mentioned in your SOP. I met this situation when I contacted several small schools later and they apologized to me about that. and there was also an example from my friend: he accepted an admission from a school without any financial aids, and at the end he admitted by brown/upenn(sorry i confused) with whole fellowship package.

so, don't worry now(and worrying didn't help...)


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I just realized that tomorrow is President's Day.


An extra day without mail.

Canada created an extra, completely useless, holiday this year to make sure there is a bank/government holiday every month of the year, whether it's needed or not. Family Day, I think they named it. Sheesh!

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Rejected at Syracuse. Have to work on President's Day. Ready to climb a clock tower, pantyhose over my head, brandishing a long rifle...

In reality I am not too bothered and I don't post this to whine, but to inform anyone who might have applied to Syracuse English that it seems as though the decisions are flying.

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Rejected at Syracuse. Have to work on President's Day. Ready to climb a clock tower, pantyhose over my head, brandishing a long rifle...

In reality I am not too bothered and I don't post this to whine, but to inform anyone who might have applied to Syracuse English that it seems as though the decisions are flying.

Darnit grifter, I'm sorry. Was hoping to know someone else in the tundra if I decide to go to Syracuse.

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so i found out that i have long been rejected by the school that's at the very bottom of my list. they've updated my status for a while, it's just that i didn't check.

i honestly don't like that school, so i'm fine with the rejection. but with no acceptance in hand yet, i'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to disregard the rejection just like that.

God bless everyone here.

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Last week rejected by Emory. Though I was not very keen on that program initially, I prepared for the interview and began to like Atlanta as i learnt more about it. Then suddenly i was told i was rejected. With no acceptance at that moment, I had really to say that it was the darkest moment and i would accept any offer by that time. This morning i checked my e-mail and found an admission letter from a safe school. So let's just wait and say.

Never lose heart until April 15th. May god bless everyone! :!:

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I was rejected from a neuroscience program that recruited us pretty hard at the interview weekend, and who sold their program so well I was really excited to go there. Also they lied about how many people they were accepting.

I wonder why they'd lie about something like that. What did they tell you?

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I wonder why they'd lie about something like that. What did they tell you?

The original figure they quoted said they'd be admitting approximately 75% of the people there (at the interview weekend). They even went so far as to say that if every applicant really was fantastic, they wouldn't be able to admit us all, but they would waitlist the remainder. Instead they admitted 50% and waitlisted 2. Maybe everyone there just sucked so horribly they couldn't imagine admitting us? I would find that so hard to believe given how impressive the other students were (not myself!) It was really bizarre. Maybe they got a huge last minute funding cut. Maybe they were all having a REALLY BAD DAY and had to take it out on someone. Maybe they're just jerks. I really have no idea.

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Cornell07 wrote:

Donna mia! 75% is an astronomically high acceptance rate!

Well, they're not going to pay to fly out people they aren't seriously considering. This is the normal rate I've heard for acceptance among interview weekend attendees.

Ah. I read it too quickly and thought that 75% was the overall acceptance rate, not just for interviewees.

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Well, they're not going to pay to fly out people they aren't seriously considering. This is the normal rate I've heard for acceptance among interview weekend attendees.

That makes me feel a bit better. I have to interview weekends coming up in early-to-mid March (for my top choices), and it's nice to know that the odds are in my favor for getting into at least one.

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For those who read the Political Science board you may have noticed several Wisconsin rejections were received today. The following is my whining attempt at some humor to satiate those dinged (myself included)

What UW-Madison letter actually said:

Our admissions committee has now completed its work for the 2008 entering class. We faced many difficult choices blah blah blah yawn. Rejected.

What they ought to have said (would have been much funnier).

Dear MVC,

We at the University of Wisconsin find your dislike of picnics and rampant sexism evidenced by the nostalgia in your user name for Tri Delt coeds abhorrent. In Madison, your Hitchens pandering neo-conservative war mongering will be about as welcome here as in Berkeley sans warm weather. We of course know why you applied to Wisconsin. We're one of the nation's oldest most prestigious Political Science programs, and from your avatar on thegradecafe we knew the only thing that gets you off is exclusivity. Well enjoy teaching at a community college without tenure for the rest of your career muhahaha.

This is of course always a painstaking process for us. We have to read through your manure of an essay and the 40 pages you pdf'd that you call a writing sample that had the methodological gravity of Jon Stewart's hard-hitting political analysis. You think you have it bad? Please. The departmental secretary's typewriter had a malfunction worse than Janet Jackson's bustier which caused us to have to make a run to kinkos to make sure your rejection prose was centered on only the finest grad laboratory scratch paper. We digress.

You truly want to know the reason you were not admitted? Do you really? Can you handle the truth? Ok, the truth is soldier this entire game's a crapshoot. No not some porno fetish for pooping ala Team America World Police. Get your mind out of the gutter you pervert. By crapshoot I mean that the state legislature just defunded the shit out of the law and courts faculty. We lost Bert Kritzer to retirement. There simply aren't enough historical law and courts faculty for you to get excited about enough to take your trousers off and we wouldn't be able to get our requisite amount of slavery er service out of you with such a lack of alignment. Them's the brakes kid. Just remember, we'd be happy to take your 70 bucks again next year, so long as you get it to us by November and we'll be sure to get that one paragraph rejection back to you with "all deliberate speed." In fact, I just asked our secretary to save your letter as MVCRejection 2009. We'll be sure to be more prompt next year.


Barry "Heavy" Burden

Associate Chair

Director of Graduate Studies

P.S. Do you remember that scene in Caddyshack when Judge Smails' nephew Chuck Shick asks protagonist Danny Noonan, "Are you going to Haaarvard too." You like Danny will now be able to reply in kind, "Um no no, actually St. Copias of Northern," umm "Where..."

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I'm just repeating what the Hitch said. Who am I take to take issue with England's most lettered public intellectual? I know he's had a lot more romps than me; however once I complete my PhD I know all the coeds will be flinging themselves at me. Something about antebellum American Political Development that really arouses the ladies, no?

Perhaps another Hitchens quote will be more to your liking... Upon being interrupted while talking about Marx and Orwell Hitchens replied:

"Please don't stop me now as I begin to talk about the dialectic, I

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