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Application not successfully submitted


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Hi All,

I have discovered that one of my applications was not submitted successfully, with a passing due date of December 1st. Has anyone been in a similar situation before, and if so, what were the outcomes? My supporting materials were sent out earlier in the application cycle and I have all remaining components (CV, resume, LORs) ready to submit as well. 

appreciate any feedback, thanks!

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Write the program and ask for advice on what to do. I'm not sure if by "not submitted successfully" you mean something like "I failed to click the right button, nothing was submitted even though I thought it was, but I never received an email confirmation" or more like 'I submitted and got a confirmation, but later learned that actually the submission was corrupted or there was some other problem". If the latter then you should be perfectly fine, you just demonstrate that you have a confirmation email of timely submission and ask to fix whatever's wrong. If the former, then I think you need to email, apologize, explain the situation, and ask for their mercy. They will have to make a decision about what to do. The sooner you call/write the better, since it's already Friday, and a week after the deadline. 

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3 minutes ago, fuzzylogician said:

"not submitted successfully"

...and be forthright about what happened instead of dissembling because I'm sure the admissions officer has heard everything and can sniff that out.

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