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  1. Hi everyone, Thanks for your feedback! Have looked into Simple Mobile - looks pretty good.. but I have the concern that Karoku_valentine raised.. there's no international roaming with Simple Mobile.. =( I guess I forgot to list that as one of my requirements. Will also check out the other recommendations ie T-Mobile!
  2. Moving to the States in the fall... and hoping to quickly get a mobile plan (with data of course!) upon arrival. Been googling and reading different websites, but oh... I am quite confused on how the telco companies offer plans in the US! It seems that most carriers require you to buy phones + contract from them, or phones + pre-paid monthly packs. I have my own device (which works with a micro SIM) - and would preferably want to get a pre-paid monthly subscription with at least 2 GB data, and free minutes (100?). Want to avoid contracts, also I'm not a US citizen/PR - don't have a SSN. My questions: 1. Any advice on which carrier to go with (see requirements above)? 2. How does it work, do I just go to a retail store like Walmart etc and buy a SIM card? (I am from Asia and that's how it works here...) Advice much appreciated thanks! Also... I read about campusSIMs - is anyone using it? https://www.campussims.com/
  3. Yes... I am waiting too. Feeling hopeful although I know the chances are slim (competition is fierce, as they website says)
  4. Cags, THANK YOU SO MUCH! At least we won't have to wait till July to get some indication of hope (haha)... now... 2+ more days till 14 May. Good luck everyone!!
  5. Hi Cags, The decision will not come in time before the deadline to accept admissions offers... If you check the scholarship site, it says :: Quote: Attention: The call for applicants from developing countries is now closed. Selected finalists will be notified by email by the end of July 2015. Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified. Unquote http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/WBI/EXTWBISFP/EXTJJWBGSP/0,,contentMDK:20276784~menuPK:551652~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435~theSitePK:551644,00.html
  6. Hi Carlos! I go to Singapore several times a year.. this is what I can tell you: Singapore is incredibly clean There are shopping malls. everywhere. literally. December is the best time for shopping, very good sales! women be warned! Public transportation, the police, the government ... all very efficient. Trains (very extensive network throughout the city state) and buses come exactly on the dot. Taxis are also easy to get (in the case you're in an area without access to trains) - taxi companies also have call numbers, they will tell you exactly how many minutes you need to wait for your taxi [as you can tell, I come from a country where public transportation is wanting =(] - the EzyLink (sort of like a transportation/payment card which you add value to by topping up) works on all trains, buses, and you can even buy things with it Hawker food (local coffee shops, food courts) is reasonably cheap - you can get a bowl of chicken rice or noodles for less than Sing dollars $ 5 (last I checked) - nearer to large residential areas the food will be cheaper. McDonald's (always a good international comparison) meal will set you back below $ 10 (https://www.mcdelivery.com.sg/sg/jsp-desktop/menu/menu.jsp) The gov is trying to make Singapore more green (it already has several parks, and greenery around roads etc) Lots of entertainment - booming arts and theatre scene, there's museums, Jurong Bird Park, the zoo, botanical gardens, Universal studios, marina bay sands.. etc (http://www.yoursingapore.com/en.html) There's also the historical more cultured side of Singapore - colonial buildings, Little India, Chinatown And to balance out my review.. here's a list of things that expats don't like about Singapore.. (http://www.guidemesingapore.com/relocation/introduction/things-you-might-not-like-about-singapore) Let me know if you need more info, happy to help! Cheers
  7. I did not receive any aid =( and I'm tempted to ask, but like you said, I'm not sure if I should try, knowing that MYFAID has already stated that they've already given out more aid than they actually have, anticipating for some candidates to decline the offer.
  8. Thanks namir for the info on the tests.. if the test was on Microsoft word, did you have to type out your calculations or just the final answer? have you done the verbal/English test?
  9. Congrats emag, cs_mpp and Phoenix!! I received the same full tuition + accoms + stipend. to answer the questions.. I am from Southeast Asia working in the government sector. =) comparing between HKS (funding results to be released very soon), Georgetown (some funding), Chicago Harris (some funding). HKS is the dream, but LKY is much much closer to home (pro's and cons) - in terms of geographical location and policy making.
  10. Hi all, I received the 6 admissions documents from LKY today (various forms, financial declaration, medical check up form, etc).. .I suggest to email them if you have received the admissions email, but no attached documents. The funding details should be in the official offer letter, which is a pdf file. I received a scholarship, but I will have to compare with other universities' financial aid decisions - all due to be in by this week.
  11. Has anyone else who received the admissions email received any info on financial aid (besides Rudolph?)? I have emailed the admissions team regarding their timeline to release decisions on financial aid.. but no one has replied!!! =( I am getting very anxious.. I don't know why are they releasing decisions so late, when all other universities (US, UK) have mostly released decisions (as early as early February!!) with financial aid information. The deadline for U.S. universities is 15 April.. the clock is ticking!
  12. Congrats Rudolph! I am feeling as anxious as you guys.. just emailed LKY to get more information on when.. more information will come... I am somewhat hooked on gradcafe waiting to see if anyone has more news on their admissions offer.
  13. Thanks MPP 2016.. Would you be able to comment on how McCourt fares against HKS...? McCourt may offer some funding.. and HKS financial aid decisions will only be released in early April.. Both are my top school choices. and hence my dilemma - I am not sure if I would take Georgetown McCourt with substantial funding, over Harvard (which is a lot more recognized where I come from) with less funding.. Any thoughts?
  14. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/22/singapore-lee-kuan-yew-dies-91
  15. namir, I just checked my status on the GDA2 system - it still says "Physcial application verified" - with no new tabs or links to click on. good luck!!
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