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Posts posted by mrb1145

  1. My impression (and I'm not a Ren person, so take this with a grain of salt), is that Rutgers is a more highly-regarded program overall.  I'd also be wary of an unfunded MA in the US-- if Rutgers offers money, I'd think seriously about it.

  2. ProspectStu, 


    There's probably a reason why you're sitting on a pile of rejections.


    Mary offered a very reasonable response to your pretentious question, and owing to the fact that no one else has responded, I think that many of us agree with her assertion but haven't had the patience to articulate it ourselves.  Congratulations on your many acceptances: I wish your future colleagues the best of luck in dealing with you!




  3. By the way, in case it's unclear, the google doc is completely anonymous, even though if you're signed into google you may see your own name at the top right corner.  Since no one in particular was invited, everyone will remain anonymous, and no one, including me, will see your name.  Since we've been traveling through this process together, I thought it would be fun to see what schools people decided on, and maybe even connect with people heading to the same program.  The people in the Lit forum have done this as well, so I thought it might be useful for us too!

  4. I did last week-- one year merit assistantship through the university and two more years through the department... not as strong as other offers I received, and I think entailed paying for some tuition.  I declined already-- I'm sure you'll hear soon.

  5. Cosigning runaway & auvers-sur-oise. Looking at some of the theoretical suggestions that have been posted makes me feel like I"m reading through the syllabus from one of my methods classes- read what's interesting to you, and what might help you clarify a research project idea that you can described on your SOP.  Read to find out which of your ideas have been considered by scholars already, and whether you have a different point of view that you might consider expounding upon in a seminar paper, MA thesis, or possibly in your dissertation.  And look at art- how quickly we forget to do that! You'll have plenty of time to work through all of the big names in theory later, guided by a professor and in discussion with your classmates-- but don't bog yourself down with it now, because the goal is to get to that point, not to have read the collective works of Marx.

  6. Ditto solus, I was very nervous about my applications with my GRE scores being what they were (5 in writing, good verbal... and math in the 17th percentile, literally), but I've been admitted and funded by five schools that I would be very happy to attend.  I feel really confident now that for the most part, art history faculty reading applications don't look too carefully at those numbers (like arthistoryvoe2 said), and realize that they have little to say about how you would actually perform in as a graduate student and scholar.  Looking at this board throughout my application process was discouraging and made me feel like I was worthless and that my application wouldn't be considered because of the limitations of my geometry skills, so I wanted to pass along my experience in hopes that people might learn to chill out about the GRE scores, and focus on the things that really do matter (SOP, fabulous writing sample, and in some cases good contact with faculty ahead of time!). Good luck!

  7. Navama,

    I got my USC rejection letter today.  My partner was accepted to the program, but has declined.  Were you interviewed?  They interviewed 7 or 8, I think, and made two offers in the first round and were waiting for extra money, I think.  I think that if you weren't interviewed, it's probably not happening, but if you were interviewed then you may be hearing from them soon!  Good luck.

  8. Williams and Tufts seem to be the most well regarded terminal MA programs-- and there's no competition from PhD students for funding or attention.  I did a terminal MA at a state school, though, which has worked out ok for me-- but more importantly, I was able to be fully funded there and get teaching experience.  Sometimes I wonder if that model is better.  I found that most of the people in that program were planning on museum careers and not looking towards the PhD at that time, but that people who did apply to programs were successful in their applications.  

  9. Lamantin: I emailed Carol Magee and she was kind of vague about financial info coming in the next couple of weeks. That's the only contact I've had post admission! She was super nice though.

  10. USC interviewed in mid January and will notify this week or next; as far as I know, those of us who weren't interviewed are no longer being considered, but I'm not completely sure of that.

  11. University of Massachusetts and University of Kansas are both funded based on TA-ships. If you have a TA-ship, you have a stipend, health insurance, and tuition waiver. You're not guaranteed two years of funding at either of them, but are likely to get through without incurring debt.

  12. Hm-- the only thing I can think of is that there are funds earmarked specifically for BGC that other parts of the college doesn't have access to.  Maybe a large donation made specifically to that program...?

  13. Kunst-- congrats on your admit.  I think that question is just a formality, and that you're not committing to attending the school.  I don't even think you're committed to accepting the fellowship if you get it-- so don't worry!  Good luck!

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