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Everything posted by thebeatgoeson

  1. Oh hey y'all. Sorry - I totally forgot to update the results board. I did, in fact, accept the offer at Colorado. My impression was that I was that the process there is over this year, but I don't know definitively.
  2. I just declined at Minnesota. Best of luck, all!
  3. Just committed to the University of Colorado. Huzzah!
  4. Eek. Not sure I could manage that. I have a somewhat labrador-esque need to run around on a daily basis if I'm going to get any work done. That said, I'm looking at the Rockies out my hotel window right now, so I expect I'll have my decision after I get done with today's visit. The good news: there doesn't appear to be a wrong choice. Thanks for all the support! Edit: Wait, maybe those are flatirons? Do they count as part of the Rockies? I have no idea where I am.
  5. Oh, that's tough. I'm definitely leaning toward the better funding offer right now, though (because I have an MA already) the duration of the funding isn't so crucial for me. Best of luck. Having two schools to pick from has put me on the struggle bus; I can't imagine having 4(5?).
  6. Oh, pick me! Do I go with the amazing EM faculty at Colorado, or the equally amazing EM faculty at Minnesota? Boulder seems like a fantastic place to live. Then again, so does the great frozen north Minnesota, for at least 4 months out of the year. While I really feel like I can't go wrong, it's still pretty intense. Time to call some people.
  7. Geez. Can I send you a fruit basket or something?
  8. And then, out of the blue, I got into Colorado off of their invisible waitlist! Mind blown.
  9. Over a month later, my waitlist at the University of Minnesota just turned into an acceptance. Holy everything, batman. Fingers crossed for everyone still waiting.
  10. All of this. I'm a giant ball of cautious hope.
  11. Minnnesota's visiting "weekend" starts today. As a waitlistee, I definitely checked weather.com, hoping to find that the temperature would be sub-zero or that there would be 16" of snow or 30 mph winds. You know, really just anything to deter prospective students. Alas, it's just normal-people cold. In any case, fingers are crossed; we might just see some movement after this weekend.
  12. I didn't not just read one of those papers. Le sigh.
  13. I just got an email that I moved up on the waitlist! Day made.
  14. Right there in that boat. The one waitlist call I received came several days after acceptances went out. Fingers nice and crossed.
  15. Verily. Out of upvotes. Grew up just outside of Morganton; Catawba Valley has really taken off in the last few years. New Belgium's move to Asheville was really the icing on the cake for me. Great to have one of the big companies there with ABC and LAB and so on. I'll certainly miss the culture anywhere else.
  16. I can ride my bike to half a dozen microbreweries without issue, and I'm not even in the beer capital of the state. North Carolina. Not the worst.
  17. Thank you. One day, I hope to have a dissertation to read.
  18. Oh, yeah. That is the worst, y'all.
  19. The difficulty of normalizing hir/xer/xe/ze (and here we see that even the people who want to use them aren't all on the same page) is definitely worth taking into consideration, and I also appreciated girl who wears glasses's video. I would like to address the idea of "ze" as indicative of a third choice, as I've always considered it to mean something more like your use of the singular "they." I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've used hir/ze in speech, but I do like the clarity for my academic writing. Additionally, the disruptive impact is probably worth something in and of itself, which sounds like the beginning of a whole different conversation in a whole different thread. Different strokes, all very interesting.
  20. Say what now? How did I miss that? Excellent.
  21. Congratuations! I got the Early Modern waitlist call last week. They've been really kind. Best of luck.
  22. My senior year there, they instituted a university-wide policy. I worked for Carolina's Executive Director for the Arts at the time, and the policy was widespread enough that I heard about is both as a student and as an employee. So, totally genuine. It's a great place, and my rejection email this morning was a blow. Again, congratulations!
  23. Well, here's some good news for you. Chapel Hill has a university-wide policy on the use of gender neutral language, so you'll be right at home there.
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