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Everything posted by waparys

  1. Congrats! You've given me hope
  2. skybythelight let's hold hands for UMD and UMich and wish really hard. I'll take a waitlist at this point!
  3. Out of context, this sentence is amazing.
  4. KeelyMK: I love that you're here to put everything into perspective for us. Keep doing what you're doing.
  5. Congrats! Are you the phone post? Any info to share for us hopefuls?
  6. Consider yourself lucky you can live and work legally in the same country as your guy! Good luck to you, too.
  7. I wrote and asked. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything! And on a totally unrelated note--who knew Michigan and Maryland would wait so long to notify? NOT THIS GUY.
  8. I've been long distance with my guy for the past 18 months or so and my acceptances to PhD programs will also dictate whether or not that continues. I basically have to stop myself from thinking about it before I have all the pieces of the puzzle...because there's no use worrying about something that might not be a problem. Are any of your other schools close by? Could you commute?
  9. I don't think they have one? I've never seen one. I'm waiting for my rejection, too.
  10. Can't remember which thread had the discussion about partners/significant others but I just discovered that Michigan is the number one program for my bf's field. And he's been accepted. The pressure is seriously on now. I need lots of good vibes, please!
  11. I tend not to use Mr./Ms./Dr. just in case I get it wrong (for whatever reason). First and last name is always safest, I think.
  12. I think it's a personal preference. I always refer to people by first name and last name (at least initially. Then I see how they sign their emails).
  13. The letters are logged in the original application.
  14. Eek sounds like a definite no for me. Good luck to the domestics!
  15. Congrats! Didn't mean to imply you were below average intelligence or anything MANY people constantly confuse both schools.
  16. I've completely resigned myself to the fact that I won't get in (for one very obvious reason) but I'd still like to know sooner rather than later.
  17. I'm crossing my fingers for you, gwwg
  18. Hey don't dismiss Philly. It has an amazing restaurant scene (some say better than New York). It's totally walkable and the people are very nice. Unlike New York.
  19. It's U if your highest degree is in the US but you're international. Mine used to be this, but then I got my MSc from Scotland.
  20. It's also possible someone got confused between the University of Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania State University...?
  21. I know this has little bearing on grad programs, but for undergrad Brown has a reputation of being a little loosey-goosey and follow your heart in terms of research. If their grad programs are at all similar then it seems like it would be a very encouraging place (especially if you're into non-traditional research).
  22. Not that I'm in the position to be making decisions (i.e. I don't have any choices...) but location is very important to me. A school can't be hours away from an international airport (and therefore big city). I need to be able to get there easily, too (i.e. without a car). My entire family is in Europe and if something happens (knock on wood), I need to be able to fly out ASAP.
  23. Both of my schools' transcripts were sent in Nov. and marked as received Dec. 10th and 20th. I know that doesn't help much but I thought I'd let you know. I'm sure you're fine otherwise they would have asked, right?
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