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Everything posted by dat_nerd

  1. I think it depends on the degree. For a masters degree, it doesn't seem very important to have decided on a specialty. If you're deciding between two programs though, it helps you make a decision as each program has their own individual strengths.
  2. On a related note, who here is headed to Georgia Tech this fall?
  3. Are you interested in a particular subfield of AI?
  4. In that case, I would stick with getting a MS. If you get a PhD, you'd be overqualified for many software engineering jobs. Unless you're really into the idea of being a researcher, there's no reason why you should spend the extra 4+ years going for a PhD.
  5. What kind of job are you looking for after graduation, whether it be with a MS or a PhD?
  6. I think your mentality should depend on how you respond to exams. For someone with test anxiety, I agree that thinking of the exam as a practice run or knowing that you have a second chance is the way to go. Thinking that you've only got one shot at an exam really doesn't help when you're in the middle of taking it. On the other hand, I do think it's important to study as if you're only taking the exam once. Personally, I never wanted to see another GRE study book again after walking out of that testing center
  7. I don't know that either program is stronger in that field. Maybe you could arrange a few Skype meetings with potential advisors at each program to see which would be a better fit.
  8. I'm not sure quite yet as I am still deciding, but I strongly believe that your research fit with a university is the most important aspect of a graduate school decision. What is your research focus?
  9. It's impossible to make an informed recommendation of one school over another based on name alone. Both have highly regarded CS PhD programs and have offered an assistantship, so the decision is up to whether one school would be a better fit for the OP. @khs, one more question: Were you able to make a visit to either university?
  10. What's your research focus? Did you feel like you found a good research fit at either university?
  11. I did hear back from CS in the school of IC, but I don't know about the admissions status of the other two schools.
  12. @csyrez To which program(s) did you apply?
  13. Congrats on the acceptances! I think it really depends on the strength of the faculty in your particular research sub-field. What's your focus?
  14. I got that same email. I was surprised that everyone's email was in the "to" field, not even cc'd (and for a CS program too...). Even worse though, I was sent someone's full travel itinerary that was reply-all'd to all the other admitted students for a different university. Yes, a friendly introduction email is much appreciated in comparison.
  15. Actually, I don't think that's weird or creepy at all, unless the note was odd in some way. I'd actually be quite excited to get an introduction email. It's much better than the accidental reply-alls that contain personal travel details that I keep getting . If you want to PM me the email you sent, feel free to do so. Otherwise, relax and enjoy the visit!
  16. I second the recommendation to remove the letter from your post, as it contains several identifying details. I suggest that you contact the admissions coordinator as soon as possible to ask about sending the fourth letter. So long as there isn't a maximum number of letters, I think it could only help your application.
  17. Your GPA and GRE scores alone don't determine your admissions chances. It'd help to know what research experience you have, how well your recommenders know you, and what your statement of purpose is like.
  18. Yeah... I wouldn't do it. Showing disrespect for their decision won't make them want to change it. Even if it worked, wouldn't you rather reapply and be accepted based on your application?
  19. Same here. I assume they still have acceptances still to send, but I'm a bit confused about how they're handling this...
  20. You can check out previous years' notification trends on the results page: http://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=stanford+management+science
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