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Posts posted by selecttext

  1. Your opening paragraph is really negative and I could not read beyond it. You have only 500 words to explain yourself - speak only of yourself using positives!!!!!!


    I suggest first writing an outline of what it is that you wish to convey. Here is an example:


    I am interested in...therefore I'd like to...Graduate school would help me achieve this...how...The department of...at...is the place for this because... I have excellent preparation because...One example of my perseverance and dedication to academia is how I completed my undergraduate degree in spite of ...these circumstances...While these undoubtedly impacted my GPA, I have...this experience... and these accomplishments.My life goal is...Conclusion.

  2. The most annoying systems generate a username for you that is usually 200 alphanumerical characters long.


    For one university, I had to amass a collection of referee letters and official transcripts to mail as part of a single package. Online referee reports people! And let the school send you my transcript directly! Yeesh.

  3. I did have to pay for many of my applications, but about half of them were free.  My professors advised me to apply to at least 10 programs, so I applied to a few "reach" schools, a few "ideal" schools, and a few "safety" schools.  I didn't contact any POIs before applying, but all of the programs I applied to involve doing rotations in different labs before deciding on a mentor, so it wasn't necessary.


    ah cool. good luck!

  4. Applied to 11 neuroscience programs.  Got 4 interview invites in December and 2 rejections in January (so far).  I still have to hear from 2 programs that had application dates in December, but the remainder of my apps were due on January 15th (even though I submitted them with the rest of my apps).  The wait continues...

    Hey I've only ever applied to Canadian universities. Did you have to pay to apply to each of the 11? Did you just pick a bunch of schools out of a hat just in case? I was surprised to learn that so many people here apply to more than 3 or 4 PhD programs given that most people I know would have discussed their intentions with POIs before applying.


    By far the most annoying application was UT-Austin. It all began with the Texas Common App. Every other school's application allowed me to send requests to my referees before the application was submitted, but with UT-Austin, I first had to submit the TCA, which required uploading my transcripts and paying the application fee. (SOP and CV could be uploaded later into the UT-Austin-specific app). Because I wanted to give my referees time to write the letters, this meant submitting the TCA a month before the actual UT-Austin app was due. After the TCA was in, I was not able to update any of the information I had initially submitted, even before the UT-Austin part was due, including uploading transcripts that included my fall grades. Also, once you uploaded something into the UT-Austin application, you COULD NOT DELETE IT. As in, if you uploaded your SOP, but noticed a typo before submission, you still could not delete and replace that SOP.

     It's pretty standard to first submit the application and then to notify the referees - why would they bother a professor for a recommendation to a program to which you haven't applied. I haven't encountered a system that permitted a modification to the referees post-submission.

  6. I applied to around nine schools in Anthropology and one in Sociology, but have heard absolutely nothing form anywhere, except for one program's secretary who asked me to reupload my Statement.


    I have a question for all the natural science people who have heard back from POIs.  Did they reach out to you or did you reach out to them?  I see some people have thinks like "informally accepted" written but was wondering who reached out to who?


    I corresponded (initial e-mail contact and then by skype) with a POI at each university before applying (Biology). I also Skyped with the POI's current graduate students before applying.

  7. What is the length requirement? I suspect that it may be too long. Instead of starting with a personal anecdote, I suggest that you explicitly state your research interests and objectives. Also, remove any negatives such as "I regretted...". Only include your accomplishments.  Since it is for an MS in ENGR, it should probably not exceed 1 page and it should be straight to the point.

  8. Overall I think that it is good, honest and demonstrates your commitment to graduate work. You stand a good chance with the SOP as is. It just needs to be tightened up. I'll look at it some more tomorrow. I would criticize it for not being specific enough if you were applying for a PhD. For the financial bit, I wouldn't mention that you will apply for funding in your first year - only that you need an assistantship.

  9. Here's a better question, is your PI publishing frequently in good journals? If he is funded for applied research, you might have to submit your manuscripts to specialist journals. Applied research is fine but you want to have a healthy mixture of applications and theory in order to appeal to a broader audience. Your concerns are valid.

  10. "Since I do not have fellowship support, I will require a teaching or research assistantship. I will, however, apply for NSERC funding as well as .... during my first year."


    While it is true that the SOP in science related disciplines is sometimes a formality, unbeknownst to you is that many equally qualified candidates may be applying to your potential supervisor's laboratory. For that reason, you should strive to have the best possible statement. E.g., don't be lazy!

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