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    2013 Fall

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  1. jtu2tj

    Brighton, UK

    thank you so much for your replies! sounds like a wonderful place! marxistfeministdialectic I was wondering where is it that you stayed? what was the area or location called? how often does one usually go into brighton? is it really 10 mins by train from the campus? thanks!
  2. anyone? any information will be helpful about the programs or universities, especially career prospects, anything! please?
  3. jtu2tj

    Brighton, UK

    Hello, I'm considering going to the University of Sussex, IDS, MA gender and development, I was just wondering if anyone can give me some info on Brighton, or campus life at the university of sussex? how big of a city is Brighton? is everything available and accessible there? or do ppl find themselves having to go to london? how is the weather like? is it really gloomy? is it easy being a vegetarian there? Any info would be really helpful! thanks!
  4. It's time for me to make a decision! these are the offers I'm considering: UK, 1 year programs: University of Sussex, IDS (institute of development studies) - MA Gender and Development LSE (london school of economics and political science) - MA Gender, Development, and Globalization SOAS (school of oriental and african studies), University of London - Msc Development Studies Canada 2 year program: University of Ottawa - MA International Development and Globalization - Entrance Scholarship awarded so here's my thoughts: My general research interests within development studies are: - focus in South Asia, especially India - want to study gender inequalities within the social, cultural, and political structures there - how development is gendered and creates differential impacts, meanings and process for women and men. - would like to study impact of gender mainstreaming - and how women's knowledge can be incorporated into development process Not sure what program to choose because: a) University of Ottawa: PROS: i received a full entrance scholarship from University of Ottawa, my tuition is basically covered through the scholarship, This program also has a co-op option, links to Development agency CIDA, I'm Canadian,close to home CON: 2 years long as opposed to the 1 year UK programs, have to take french language course, not much of a focus on gender, Don't know the world reputation of this program? b. University of Sussex, IDS: PROS: IDS, has great reputation in development studies, program focuses on gender and development, modules look at many of my research interests, 1 year long CONS: expensive, don't know if i should be just focusing on gender and development or should i stay broad and stick with development studies, far away from home c) SOAS: PROS: good reputation, expert in regions such as india/south asia, program is on broad development studies, with a optional module on gender and development, can do dissertation on gender and development if i like, in a major city > london therefore close to many development jobs CONS: don't know if i should be focusing on broad development studies, or on gender and development, expensive, far away from home d) LSE: PROS: prestigious good reputation worldwide, some focus on gender CONS: very expensive, not much focus on development, more focus on gender, far away from home If anyone can give me their opinions i would really appreciate it. I'm really torn, if i should focus on gender and development, or is it better to safe and go with a broader field of development studies and only take a module on gender and development. And what do my career prospects look like if i go to each one of these universities. Any word of advice is appreciated!! thanks!
  5. hello, I was wondering if there was a site which is similar to rate my professor, but for UK universities and profs? I'm looking for university of sussex in particular! thanks
  6. Hello, I just got an offer Masters in Gender and Development from IDS University of Sussex. I am waiting to hear back from some Canadian Schools, such as Masters international Development Dalhousie university, global development studies queen's university, york university development studies and a couple more. I was wondering if anyone knows how the Masters in development studies programs compare to those in the UK, in particular IDS university of sussex, LSE and SOAS? thanks!
  7. Hello, I just got an offer Masters in Gender and Development from IDS University of Sussex. I am waiting to hear back from some Canadian Schools, such as Masters international Development Dalhousie university, global development studies queen's university, york university development studies and a couple more. I was wondering if anyone knows how the Masters in development studies programs compare to those in the UK, in particular IDS university of sussex, LSE and SOAS? thanks!
  8. Hello, I am applying to MPhil Development studies at Cambridge, and for the application i have to list my first choice and second choice college. I was wondering if you have any advice as to which college to choose? I am most concerned with accommodation - I would like nice, comfortable accommodation with ensuite. good location would be great as well.for good location i mean closer to city centre, doesn't have to be right in the city centre, but closer than far off. thanks!
  9. Hello, I am applying to MPhil Development studies at Cambridge, and for the application i have to list my first choice and second choice college. I was wondering if you have any advice as to which college to choose? I am most concerned with accommodation - I would like nice, comfortable accommodation with ensuite. good location would be great as well.for good location i mean closer to city centre, doesn't have to be right in the city centre, but closer than far off. thanks!
  10. for good location i mean closer to city centre, doesn't have to be right in the city centre, but closer than far off.
  11. Hello, I am applying to MPhil Development studies at Cambridge, and for the application i have to list my first choice and second choice college. I was wondering if you have any advice as to which college to choose? I am most concerned with accommodation - I would like nice, comfortable accommodation with ensuite. good location would be great as well. thanks!
  12. thanks for the replies! I was drafting up emails, but it just feels awkward contacting them randomly, do you have any advice as to what I should be discussing in the email? mention that i'm applying to masters at their university? thanks!
  13. thanks so much for your response lewin00! i can't believe i missed those deadlines, being a first time applicant from anyone i know, this has been such a hard process. i didn't realize that the deadlines would be much sooner than the application deadlines. so just to be clear, when i get offered admission to any of the programs they will also provide me with funding option? even though i didn't specifically apply for them?
  14. hello, I'm a canadian applying to canadian universities, one american university and some uk universities. I"m applying to Masters international development programs. I'm almost done my applications. the one thing that i'm really confused about is the funding/financial aspect. So if someone can please explain this to me it would be really helpful! when am I suppose to apply for all this stuff, and where? and how? I'm the first to do a graduate school here in my family, so this all is confusing to me. any help would be appreciated!
  15. hello, I'm a canadian applying to canadian universities, one american university and some uk universities. I"m applying to Masters international development programs. I'm almost done my applications. the one thing that i'm really confused about is the funding/financial aspect. So if someone can please explain this to me it would be really helpful! when am I suppose to apply for all this stuff, and where? and how? I'm the first to do a graduate school here in my family, so this all is confusing to me. any help would be appreciated!
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