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Posts posted by newdisplayname

  1. ay761:


    Please don´t take my comment seriously. I said that because I work full time, I´m taking all this extra classes and I´m applying to 8 other programs. I rather follow the advice everyone seems to give around here: If every other part of your application is strong then you shouldn´t let a GRE score hold you back. In my case, I just wanted to invest time/energy/money on something else. Best of luck!!!

  2. Thanks for your comments.


    ridofme: I am a Communications major, so my only experience with math in school is through several research courses I took, which is explained in my application. Additionally, i am taking an economics course with the university of toronto, and some private tutoring in calculus. What i´m arguing in my personal statement is that "my GRE quant score does not adequately reflect my potential". Rather than giving specifics on that score (didn´t want it to sound like i was excusing myself), Im sort of saying: "Yes, i got have this score but i also have these things that make me a competitive candidate". Hope it works :/


    PS PHDreams: No applying to Harvard. To be honest, given my quant score I didn´t think I would make the cut so... :/

  3. I´m about to submit my application to the MPA in Development Practice and they are allowing me to attach a 300 word essay where I should talk about anything that is not reflected in my application or explain any concerns with my academic record. I got a bad quant GRE score (148). Should I take this opportunity to mention it? On the one hand, it will allow me to address in and explain what happened, but on the other it might bring more light to it. I already wrote something that I feel fits alright and wouldn´t have any trouble submitting it, but should I? What would you guys do? HELP!!

  4. I´m about to submit my application to the MPA in Development Practice and they are allowing me to attach a 300 word essay where I should talk about anything that is not reflected in my application or explain any concerns with my academic record. I got a bad quant GRE score (148). Should I take this opportunity to mention it? On the one hand, it will allow me to address in and explain what happened, but on the other it might bring more light to it. I already wrote something that I feel fits alright and wouldn´t have any trouble submitting it, but should I? What would you guys do? HELP!!

  5. I visited SIPA last August and they told me that Development Practice, as the name says, is much more "hands on" than MIA. MIA relies more on quantitative skills and DP has a much more interdisciplinary approach with its on site visits and the summer practicum. I think it kind of depends on what kind of work you want to do afterwards. If you want to do program management or on-site work then I think DP is better for you. If you want a more theoretical approach to international affairs then MIA might work better.

  6. I am applying to several programs in international development, nonprofit management and public administration. I want to study further the relationship between gender and tenvironmental issues. Given my personal background (I`m from Mexico and live in the border with the US), I know that it might make sense to mention it but I´m not sure if it will help my application. On the one hand, it might give me an "edge" and I`ll be able to identified easier by the admissions commitee, but on the other hand it might sound desperate and unnecessary. What do you think? Thanks for your opinions.

  7. Hey guys, I´m a disaster at math (haven´t taking a math class since high school!) and I know that I´ll do terrible. Test is in 10 days. Should I just focus on my Verbal? What if I explain my situation with math in my SOP? What would be my best bet?

    I´m applying to 10 programs in Nonprofit Management and/or International Development, some of them top schools. Any suggestions?

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