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Everything posted by PhDhopeful2013

  1. agreed. knowing either way is better than days/weeks of lingering speculation...
  2. I wish I had an acceptance in hand right now to soften the potential/impending blow! now back to email refreshing........
  3. Yes - there is no such thing as a "safety school" in PhD apps.... say a top ranked program has a 5% acceptance rate, and a lower ranked program has a 25% acceptance rate (and that's probably higher than any programs in reality)... well then you have between a 95% and 75% chance of being rejected at any given program.... no such thing as a "safety"!
  4. has anyone claimed the Rochester acceptances? I didn't apply there, but I'm just being a Results Board data integrity hawk! distracts from the aniexty i guess...
  5. well one acceptance is all you need, so don't give up yet! at least that's what I'm telling myself...
  6. I'm suprised we haven't heard from Michigan yet.... any second/minute/hour/day now?!?
  7. agreed. Yeah, I'm sure UVa went out of their way to call someone with a rejection when it looks as though in the past, applicants had to beg for official rejections in April! There is definitely trolling going on on the Resuults Board. Am I the only one suspicious? When have there been a slew of "assumed rejections" posted to the board all at once and with really emphatic comments? Plus, people who have actually called Duke and Chicago have received information that contradicts these "100% sure" assumptions... I don't think people should lose hope just yet, at least not based on the results board.
  8. The posts for U Chicago on the Results Board just seem strange... a la Duke posts from last week, maybe? I didn't apply to Chicago, so I wasn't paying close attention - did anyone credible claim an actual rejection? The spam, or at least speculative, posts on the board just taint the information for future applicants....
  9. I didn't apply there, so take this for what it's worth, but I would guess that the people who haven't heard anything are either admitted or strongly in contention, and the dept is just figuring out the funding packages. Since you haven't heard, I doubt there's any harm in calling or emailing to ask about your status, especially since you're likely in the "accepted" pile... just a thought!
  10. Congrats to all the recent admits, and apologies to the UWMadison casualties! For the rest of us i guess no news is... No news...
  11. wow over 60 people on here right now... Note to Adcomms, the applicants are getting restless!!!!
  12. well my reasoning was based on last year's results (which were already out by now as you say), and from someone on here with some info who said Mich would be releasing this week....
  13. OK thanks... well i guess "really soon" is better than "a few weeks".... maybe...
  14. hey! am i remembering correctly that you had the UNC interview? If so, did they give you any idea about the time frame for decisions to be released? I've been expecting them to move, but alas, nothing... sigh
  15. I would think there's no need to be nervous just yet! If you look at last year's results for UVa they REALLY spread out their acceptances... from early Feb all the way through early April. direct your worry elsewhere for the time being
  16. Another Monday... Good luck this week everyone; let's hope for some good news!
  17. Look - there goes another "Decision Not Ready = Rejection" post for Duke on the Results Board. I definitely think there's some trolling going on, regardless of whether or not Duke released some acceptances....
  18. in my opinion, I'd say start a dialogue without making any commitments. You'll learn more about the program, which may help you make a decision. Plus some good interactions with the POI may increase your chance of getting funding...
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