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Posts posted by TakeMyCoffeeBlack

  1. At quick glance, it sounds to me like you're interested in IR. But you should keep in mind that the lines between CP/IR aren't always clear (and often the two can compliment each other). Programs will understand this, and I've heard that often students applying for CP or IR will have their applications considered for the subfield they hadn't originally considered (which, if they've gotten that far with your application, you're not doing too bad).

  2. So I've basically decided to go for POlitical Science at Stanford and UCSD (where, if I really feel it's not the right fit, I could also switch to the IR/PS joint program). I'm currently considering applying to both Government and PEG at Harvard, but can't seem to open two application on the Harvard GSAS. Does anyone have any tips? I could probably submit one, and then do the other, but don't want to inconvenience my letter writers with that!


    I applied to a dual program that required two applications with a second set of everything last year. I got in touch with the one program and they confirmed they could pull from the graduate school for my recs, GREs, transcripts. I'd suggest sending an e-mail to either the programs or the grad school and asking.

  3. Wait, so if you deferred last cycle, are you still holding that offer while applying to additional ones? :S


    I asked professors at the school and they said there were no ethical issues with applying to other schools in the meantime (rather than putting all my eggs in an unfunded basket). The deferred school will reconsider me for a financial package along with this year's applicants, so the only thing the deferment does is saves me the trouble of reapplying.

  4. I just submitted 2 of my apps for the same reason. Of course, I found a very minor (hopefully unnoticeable) grammatical error shortly after....


    Ha, that always happens to me. I'll also be submitting for Maryland this week too, for the same reason. Just "finished" my Colorado SOP, on to Maryland! 


    You know, this is my second year doing this, and I'm not sure if I feel better or worse (I got one admit w/o funding, but deferred to take a fellowship abroad). On the one hand, I've got a lot more experience, on the other, that will make it all the more painful if I'm not one of the lucky ones. Ah well.

  5. I don't have much insight, other than best wishes for you.


    A friend of mine was punished for aiding plagiarism when his code work (whatever that means... he studies physics, so?) was stolen (his signature was still programmed into it). And he reported it being stolen, but apparently his report wasn't "sufficient." Crazy how those things can be, and I know he has goals of a Ph.D. program.

  6. on the google doc, i saw that someone applied as an ETA to multiple countries. how does that work?


    If I'm not mistaken, this was an individual that only thought they had applied to several.

  7. hi everyone, 


    This is my first time posting but I was hoping you all could help me with a quick question. I've been recommended for an ETA to Turkey and I will definitely accept the position if I'm selected. However, my sister just got engaged last week and is planning her wedding for next May. I know most of us haven't done a Fulbright year yet, but do any of you know if it would be frowned upon to take work off for about a week and a half at some point during the month of May so I can fly back to the states to attend my sister's wedding festivities? I'm the Maid of Honor and my sister has already told me she will be upset if I'm not there for the whole week of luncheons and showers and fittings that comes before the ceremony. I don't mean to jump the gun by assuming I'll be selected, but she asked me to try and find out before she books her date. So, anyone know if our contract permits leaving for that sort of thing? Or is it up to us to work it out with the University that we're placed with during our stay? 





    I think typically you can take up to two weeks, though it's generally during break periods (e.g. Christmas). However, you may be able to get that approved by IIE.

  8. Soooo maybe I missed this... but is there a chance that Germany applicants also receive a salary in addition to the stipend? Like the Austria person? Because that would be phenomenal.


    The website just says: "A monthly stipend of 800 Euro, health insurance and Fulbright international travel benefits will be provided." Still, not bad. When I lived in Germany, my rent for my studio was less than 200 Euro a month and my food budget was about 30 Euro a week. That would leave upwards of 400-500 Euro for research, travel and entertainment per month.

  9. I know!!! My jaw dropped!

    I am also kind of wondering about how much you are taxed. I have heard your stipund is taxed, but you have to pay it later when you file taxes, or something. That would be great to know, so you could just save it in advance. I should probably just wait to ask these questions until I get an email and I was actually accepted. but. I'm kind of bored ATM.


    Incidentally, your Fulbright stipend is also smaller than a full grant's would be. At least that's what my friend told me. If I'm wrong, I hope an ETA will correct me.

  10. So, it sounds like there is at least one current German ETA, so I have a question for you. I'm hoping you are in contact with other ETAs and might be able to answer this. I have heard that the school where an ETA is placed will sometimes help with finding housing. Is that common?

    Also, in your experience, has the monthly stipund seemed to cover most of your expenses, or have you had to use your own savings?



    I'm a full grant applicant, but I had a friend do an ETA in Vienna. He had to find his own housing (though he was offered leads). Between the Fulbright stipend and ETA wages, he actually came home with a couple grand.

  11. I feel ya. I've started to think it's not gonna happen until the first or second week of April, which is actually a problem for me. I have to tell grad schools whether or not I'm going before April 15th. I was hoping to have some time to weigh options (assuming I get in, of course).

    Although, didn't decisions go out on the 28th last year for Germany? That's what the spreadsheet says, any way.

    ETAs went out then, but full grants went out two weeks earlier.

  12. I've lived in Buffalo my whole life, if anyone has any questions about life here in 2013. A lot of the stuff from 2006 is still true, except that gas is no longer between 2-3 dollars.

  13. Liebe Fulbright-Kommission,


    ich warte auf Sie mit voller Aufmerksamkeit und Angst. Wenn Sie die Entscheidung treffen, mich als Empfänger des berühmten Stipendium Fulbright anzuerkennen, bin ich Ihnen immer (und weiter) schuldig. Bitte, lassen Sie die Entscheidung schnell aus Ihrem shönen Land hierher kommen.


    mit besten Grüßen von einem nervösen amerikanishen Student



  14. Hello all, sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong forum, but I'm hoping someone can help me out.


    I've been accepted to a PhD program at UCI but have been wait-listed for funding. I asked the graduate coordinator about my chances of getting funding, and they replied that no decisions have been made yet and that they will contact me once they reach a decision. I got this email on 3/5 and UCI's deadline to accept is April 1st.


    Since the deadline is quickly approaching, my question is how can I ask if a decision has been made and convey my desire to attend (which is, of course, contingent on some form of funding) without coming off as pushy/impatient?


    Thanks in advance! :)


    How is their deadline to accept not April 15?

  15. I had a Harvard faculty member tell me "At Harvard, Fulbright's useless"; he meant that they do not make special considerations for Fulbright nominees who are applying for their PhD program.


    On the other hand, there are other programs who do notice when applicants already have a scholarship like Fulbright "in the bag". Sometimes, Fulbright placement officers have contacts in these universities through which they can help your application stand out --or at least that's what they told me.


    I can see that. Fulbright is probably at its best (for academics) when it's used to gather data for publishable research.

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