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Posts posted by TakeMyCoffeeBlack

  1. Yeah, I went through that this week. I've wanted to go to Madison since my undergrad and I think they're done too. Only for a few minutes though because I'm so incredibly thankful and appreciative to have received other offers.


    It's a bummer, but I've got 5 other schools I'm waiting on, and I'm a Fulbright finalist. As my adviser said today, if I'm lucky enough to get the Fulbright but not a Ph.D. acceptance, I've got a chance to apply again with more direction and a Fulbright. So, regardless, fingers crossed that something comes around!

  2. I'm wondering if Pitt is going to release more acceptances.... Did anyone claim the acceptance posted yesterday?


    Has anyone talked to Pitt recently? I called a few weeks ago and they were already reviewing applications (I was sending something in and verifying information). It seems they may have made a few admits from their top candidates, but their broader acceptances not yet. I'd much rather today than tomorrow... 


    Also eager to hear from UNC.

  3. Anyone have a general idea about the typical cohort demographic - maybe someone who is already attending? Am I going to be the "old guy" if I'm entering at 27?


    That may well have to do with the school, I'm sure. Most schools will prefer individuals, like yourself, with years of experience. Other may prefer students right out of undergrad (although undergrad + experience certainly help - I've heard of situations where a Masters isn't necessarily a good thing).

  4. Are you focusing on Europe too?


    Yes, my focus is EU, Germany (with secondary interests in UK, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey), courts, integration theory (multi-level governance, federalism, constitutionalism), party systems (militant/intolerant democracy), etc. 


    Good luck to you as well!

  5. This is right. I know I've posted something similar before, but anyone who's had a job knows that dreams get crushed in the working world.


    The PSJR board loves to use the "snowflake" trope. Ironically, all that crying and whining about how hard it is to be a grad student is just them failing to recognize that disappointment is not unique to social science PhDs. Guess what? You're not going to make partner at Sidley Austin or chief surgical resident at Cedar Sinai or be Daniel Day-Lewis's talent agent or the CEO of Coca-Cola, either.


    There aren't very many jobs at the top of any field. The market is soft for everyone. The reality of being ambitious is that at some point you hit your ceiling. That's never easy and the worst of PSJR is one graceless way to react to it. For those of you that haven't worked or otherwise don't understand (from experience) what I'm talking about, remember this when you hit a wall: You can always drop out and manage a Starbuck's or become a lawyer if that's what you prefer to teaching at some forsaken LAC in western Kentucky. Seriously. Just know that no one is going to drop a ladder from the clouds for you there, either. The question, really, is whether, the consequence of reaching and falling short is worse than the consequence of not trying.


    It seems like it was news to some PSJR posters that not everyone gets a TT offer at Harvard. Hopefully that's not the case here.


    thumbs up

  6. You might be correct. That theory has certainly been advanced during prior cycles. I simply fail to see the logic in it. Put another way, I do not why they would necessarily notify their favorites first. After all, few individuals will likely make any decision regarding where they will attend until near the April 15th deadline. Perhaps they assume that an early notice might sway opinion? I don't know. :)


    It would give them more time to sell the program, would be my guess. Start direct contact with the student ASAP, sell the funding package, potentials, city, etc.

  7. Right. That would make sense. I certainly got the impression that Illinois had more offers to make. On the other hand, I have no sense of OSU's strategy here. It does seem that they are releasing acceptances in waves, however . . . though not field specific, which makes me wonder why they are notifying some before others. It is probably senseless to try to understand any of this, though. :)


    Perhaps they had their "absolutely" choices, and now they're working through their "probably," then "maybe," etc.

  8. Thank you sm321.  Here is the site I had been using to check my status. I think I had to go through some registration process to set up access.  The application site you are referring to (through ApplyYourself) is the one that actually has my acceptance letter though.




    I got to that page by going here: http://admissions.unc.edu/Apply/Portal.html and you will find this link:


    Already submitted your application and created your UNC Guest ID? Log into MyCarolina for Applicants. Please refer to the Guest ID Registration instructions that we emailed you after you applied. Email us at unchelp@admissions.unc.edu if you would like us to re-send your instructions.


    What are the UNC admits' subfields?

  9. Hamburg, Marburg oder in der Nähe von Göttingen. Leider ist diese nur eine kurze reise (29. März bis 7. April); ich besuche meinen Freund.


    Schön! Was ich tun würde, wieder in Deutschland zu sein!

  10. Based on the spreadsheets, it looks like I'll probably be in Germany when they release the ETA selections... I suppose that's probably for the best; I can head to the nearest Kneipe and either celebrate or drown my sorrows in a nice Hefeweizen :)


    Bitte ein dunkeles Hefeweizen! Wo genau in Deutschland wärest du?

  11. Does anyone have any information on UK phone interviews?


    I found some good stuff online, but was wondering if anyone knows anything that may be helpful. My FPA set up a practice interview with me, but I have not been contacted by the Fulbright Commission about a phone interview as of yet.... does anyone know what the deal is? 




    My FPA shared these questions from a past UK Fulbright interview.




    -What will you do upon returning from the UK--immediately and in the future? 

    -What will your Fulbright do for the US?

    -How does the Fulbright relate to your career goals?

    -How will you get involved in the local community outside of your research?

    -You've been to the UK before.  Could you briefly tell us of your experiences there?

    -Are there any other aspects of UK culture that you are interested in outside of your work?

    -If you got stuck in an elevator with a non-academic, how would you describe your research ideas to her/him?

    -Is there anything you'd like to ask us? (This question was at the end; I had nothing to ask, so I just reaffirmed how committed I am to this project and how I would be a good fit for the Fulbright ideals.)

  12. Has anyone checked their application with OSU recently? On a whim, I just looked. It says that I was admitted and that further information would come in the mail - but I do not believe it. It seems like someone would have sent me an email or called . . .. Has anyone else heard from them?


    I would assume that's accurate. Congrats!!!

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