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Posts posted by TakeMyCoffeeBlack

  1. Hello everyone.


    As we wait on our Fulbright decisions, let's take a moment to dream a bit. What are you most looking forward to? What do you want to learn? 


    Personally, I can't wait to get back to Germany, take day trips by train and eat lots of pretzels.

  2. I had been thinking UNC was done with acceptances... Do you really think there will be more? (I.e. any reason to hope?!)


    Well it looks like in past years they offer admissions right up until the rejection letters go out. So far people have heard through unofficial channels - e.g. POIs - so its possible that some people just hadn't received a letter from a POI, or their POI just hasn't gotten to it yet.

  3. Yes, perhaps Stanford soon and also Northwestern? Harvard also started sending accepts in the second week of Feb last yer, but spaced them out over a few weeks. 


    I wouldn't be surprised if Duke and MIT started sending out rejections soon, though I have already accepted defeat. Still holding out a glimmer of hope for Berkeley, UCLA and Columbia, but perhaps that's misplaced. 


    Maybe UNC will finish its accepts today, rejects by Friday.

  4. Looking at the spreadsheet, though, I think we need to realize that despite the huge number of some schools, the actual number of people actually disputing the slots is smaller than the raw numbers. 

    For instance, in some schools, if you don't have a combined score of 1400 in the GRE (321, in the new exam) you won't probably be considered . Also, some people submit their applications, but their recommenders do not upload their letters. The list could go on forever.

    If you trust your application, you should not worry about the large number of applicants.


    The conversion from 1400 to 321 isn't entirely valid, because the new test measures intervals of improvement more effectively (e.g. the last few scores on the GRE aren't all within the same percentile). I'm just pointing this out in case anyone saw this and panicked.

  5. Hey guys, I was rejected by one school today which made me feel terrible. I am international applicant. After the rejection I went to a friend's party to forget about the bad news. When I came back I found a Duke admission in my mailbox. The essential part of the story is not to lose confidence, even when facing bad news.


    Thanks for updating us.


    I'm still very hopeful for my top choice (which could be due any day over the next two weeks), especially in light of my waitlist today.

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