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Everything posted by there'sanappforthat

  1. Hmm. Thanks. Maybe I just heard back later than I heard from my FPA and I'm not remembering it!
  2. I applied about two years ago, and I never got an email from the Fulbright website. I heard from my FPA. Is that just something they changed recently?
  3. Fairly certain I would have been about ready to punch a kitten!! In other news, ARRRRRGGGH!!
  4. I am on my second go as well, I took a year off between my two applications though. I would love to go, but honestly, I'm trying to set myself up to not get too distraught if it doesn't go over as planned. I think I will wait until I am married to apply again if need be, so the SO could possibly go. Anyone know if there is a stipulation on how long you need to have been married before you qualify for the dependent stipund? Also, anyone around who knows someone or has taken a spouse along for a Fulbright. I brought it up to my boyfriend, but he was worried about what he would do. Can he get a job? Anyone have any experience with this?
  5. Let's just not do this, shall we? maybe it was my fault for making the intial comment on someone's fashion sense.
  6. That's probably wise! I don't have that option, which is a good thing, I would be too tempted to abuse it. I am greatful it's a slow day today.. even if it's kinda boring
  7. Woo! Sounds like you have your ducks in a line! And yes, I agree on the second part. I don't want to feel any bitterness towards him for not following my dream years from now..
  8. I'm jealous. I work in TCOM and we have been soo slow lately. My boss hired an extra 4 people right before Christmas because they swear up and down we are going to start being slammed... today would have been a good day for that.
  9. ooh man. If I were working from home, it would be a major accomplishment if I had even made it out of bed!! Annnd that's why I can't work from home.
  10. That's awesome! That would be such a cool experience for your family, it's just too bad the little 'un will be too young to really remember it. As for the ring.. I had kind of been discouraging it for a while, even though I knew it was inevitable. Commitment phobia, I guess. Now I'm getting to the point where I'm just like.. this is silly. Let's tie the knot already!
  11. haha! We are in similar boats! Mine was not thrilled either, so tomorrow, one of us will be elated and the other disappointed! Makes me feel a little bad, but yeah, I agree with you. Unless his dream is to become a prowrestler or something equally ridiculous, I will let him follow his heart too
  12. Yep. yep. yep. yep. And we have had little to do since Christmas. Not complaining really, but I wish we would get more in. I might bring my Ipad in tomorrow..
  13. Will your husband go with you? I have been with my S0 for 7.5 years.. but still not ring I wish he could come with me if I get it..
  14. Wow, I can't imagine why that might be Damn. Doctoral program. Thinking about it makes my head spin.
  15. I graduated from undergrad in 09 (oh my god..). I would like to go to grad school eventually, but right now, I'm just working, trying to save some money. It took me forever to find a decent job though.
  16. So out of curiosity, are most of you still in school, whether it be undergrad or grad school? I'm just sitting here at work, twiddling my thumbs, slowly going crazy. We have been so slow, and I can't decide if that is good or bad. I'd rather stay busy, but I'm not sure that I could stay focused.
  17. Even though I am excited and anxious, I usually somehow manage to curb my emotions until, like, the very moment I've been anticipating arrives. For example, even as a little kid, I didn't get REALLY excited about going to Disney World until the day we were actually leaving. I tell myself I do this as a defense mechanism, so if something goes wrong, I don't end up getting too disapointed. All bets are off though, I will be hella disappointed if I don't make it.
  18. Hahhaha. No worries. People have a hard time discerning whether I am being sarcastic in person (read: 60% of the time, it's every time), and over the internet is much harder!
  19. Wow, that sounds pretty cool. I like how well it ties to your degree. Of course, I'm applying for an ETA, so I only have to have a side project, which is fairly different, and doesn't take as much planning. I really tried to tie it to my career goals and interests. I want to go back to school for a masters in Speech Pathology and work in a schools system. I have recently become involved in hippotherapy, which provides therapy for children with learning or developmental disabilities while on horseback. I've always been an avid horse person, so when I found out about this therapy, I was really excited. This type of therapy utilizes Speech, Physical, and occupational therapists. I also recently found out that it started in Germany, which is a happy coincidence since that is where I wanted to go anyway. Originally, my side project was just to work with a Speech Pathologist in the German schools system as my side project (I still plan on trying to do that), but my FPA suggested my side project be a little more humanitarian/ community service oriented. I hope that volunteering with a therepeutic riding center and learning in the country that founded the program will turn out to be a good project. Here's hoping!
  20. LOL, I know, I was just kidding. Man, at this point, if my toast had popped out of the toaster this morning with anything resembling the German flag, I probably would have taken it as a good omen. oh good, some work came in. Something to distract me with!!
  21. You know, I've always wanted to be fashionable. I do try, gosh darn it. If I can't be fashionable, maybe I can at least find a friend who likes to pick out outfits for other people!! Lol, but yeah I have been guitly of rolling out of bed to class after staying up too late, but that didn't happen too often. And I normally managed to put on some regular pants (or at least some sweats!!), pull my hair back, and wash my face!! I always scratched my head at the ones who showed up in PJS on a regular basis.
  22. Heh. I'm with you. I get that a lot of people are much more fashionable than I am, but when I read "select a matching tote or satchel", I'm not going to lie, my eyes got REAL big.
  23. Wait. I didn't get one. Is that bad? I'm applying for a German ETA for the second time, btw.
  24. Oh man. You and me both. We still haven't picked up after Christmas. I've spent the day hoping for something to do, in between dozing off with my eyes open. It's excruciating.
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