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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    Fulbright '13-'14 China

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  1. thanks a lot man, that's really nice of you.
  2. Thanks for the support everyone. It means a lot. Just went for a nice run up to the Navy Pier to relieve the stress. It worked. When I set out, the sky was a lowering purple with clouds scudding by quickly, then on my way home it was just the Chicago lights. I love these windy days at the lake. There was definitely an eerie feeling in the air that the winds of change had chosen the direction in which they feel like a-blowin'. I accept it and I think this coming year will be good - spending the Summer with my lovely wife, then moving to Philadelphia. There is much to be grateful for.
  3. also, sincerest congratulations to all who did get it - I'm sure your projects will be fascinating and make great contributions in your field.
  4. CrystalDee, that's really a bummer. Very sad to hear that, since we were all rooting for you and you obviously have an attitude that would make you an excellent Fulbrighter. I really hoppe you get bumped up. bryan jenkins and lls11, that sucks. But I hope we all bounce back and can not let our confidence in ourselves be shaken. It was an exciting and busy day on campus - class, frantic translation and editing, long discussions with professors about my research project and possible leads to track down, all on a blustery Chicago day. I finally got a chance to check my mail to be greeted with a big, fat NS. Didn't make it, guys. I'm bummed out about it, and of course I'll always wonder what I would've done in China, but I'm just going to keep on truckin', apply again, and try to see the silver lining in the fact that I won't have to be away from my wife for a year. Thanks everyone for being such great comrades in this process. It's really great to have you smart, interesting, compassionate people to connect with here.
  5. ha, i had the same thought. "A raven lands on the signpost. In its beak is a writhing snake. The crescent moon wreathes the read of the raven whose gaze rivets you to the ground. The snake utters words you do not understand. Know this: the omen is good."
  6. i stand corrected. actually my life might work out better if i don't get it, since i already have something lined up, and maybe i'd be less aware of the wait if not for this forum. were you on something like this last year, and do you think that changed the waiting experience?
  7. with good reason...this is super annoying. i wonder if there are fulbright applicants out there who just send off the application and then chill til they get a response. that seems way more inhuman than feeling the frustration of being so close but so far! China, Estonia, Switzerland, Morocco (etc) - quit playing grab-ass and send us some news!
  8. I lol'd. Acceptance feels so far away. Good thing Egypt is N/A this year or else some applicants might end up spending all their time in de Nile, nyuk nyuk nyuk I think this might be the longest any group of people has gotten along with each other on teh internet, probably, like, ever. I just remembered this gem from a long long time ago on the board: when we were speculating about whether the fulbright application committees read this forum, someone who was on some kind of college admissions board said she used to check College Confidential and that it was just full of people saying "WHATS YOU'RE GPA BRAH?!?!" That phrase has since become a joke between some friends and me at school, kind of like a greeting. So instead of "what's up dude?" we'll say "what's your gpa brah?" ah the myriad benefits I have accessed through you fine people.
  9. And yes. May the Heavenly Mandate descend upon us all!
  10. Is May Day a holiday in China? Does the host country bureau email the applicant and the US office at the same time, or would we wait for a forward from NY? I guess it wouldn't be much of a renmin gongheguo if it didn't observe mayday...
  11. sorry to hear that. I hope Odin will guide the application viewers aright and show them their folly.
  12. wtf, the orientation session is set for June 21-23, they better get their scheisse together
  13. haha wait whaaat?!?!
  14. whoa, that rules. I just heard a really interesting lecture about the first Amazigh-language tv channel opening up in Libya along with the politics of adapting it to modern tech uses. That there's some interesting stuff.
  15. I hope you do, o fellow Ohioan! 祝你幸福!
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