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Everything posted by uromastyx

  1. Those scores should be ok, but it's up to you. It all depends on how YOU think your time is best spent.
  2. UChicago is unequivocally in the top 3. You will want to boost those score, especially the Verbal.
  3. There are notable differences between a CV and a resume - content, structure, language. Indeed, the CV will underscore experiences related to academia. Education, professional experiences, publications, service/outreach, conferences, grants, awards, languages, etc. It will typically lack the definitional elements of a resume, i.e. descriptions, skills, etc. There is more than one way to skin a cat, but you should definitely familiarize yourself with the explicate differneces as well as the nuances. I suggest looking at many and finding a few that you find appealing. Also, I have both an American and a German CV. There are vast differences.
  4. What's your number one choice? ("Please articulate all your hopes and dreams, thus strengthening your desire and exacerbating your fears of failure.")
  5. I agree with many of the other members. I understand the stress and realize that it probably won't make much difference either way, yet I would wait.
  6. Let me say, I'm not sure. However, I find it extremely hard to believe. I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Remember, they chose you because of your whole package, not simply your GPA. Also, you got into your top choice (congrats!!!). Use that as motivation to finish strong, not only to send off the best official transcript to your graduate program (and it'll no doubt be used for future applications/grants), but to consider it preparation for the demands of graduate school. Best of luck, don't stress, and congrats.
  7. I studied for about 6 months. I regularly performed substantially better on the practice tests than the real GRE. And I took it twice.
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