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  1. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from feraleyes in For those who have been accepted somewhere...   
    Here's a friendly reminder that some of us are waiting to hear from schools you know you will not be accepting offers from. Please tell them "no" soon! Waitlistedness (a technical term) is the pits! 
  2. Downvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from Hegel's Bagels in For those who have been accepted somewhere...   
    Here's a friendly reminder that some of us are waiting to hear from schools you know you will not be accepting offers from. Please tell them "no" soon! Waitlistedness (a technical term) is the pits! 
  3. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from Borden in For those who have been accepted somewhere...   
    Here's a friendly reminder that some of us are waiting to hear from schools you know you will not be accepting offers from. Please tell them "no" soon! Waitlistedness (a technical term) is the pits! 
  4. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from BuddingScholar in You have been accepted! Can you help us, PLEASE?   
    Thanks! I really appreciate any information I can get! 
  5. Upvote
    EloiseGC reacted to Borden in some art history humor to help us through these dark days   
    There's also now Texts From Art History that someone sent me yesterday.
  6. Upvote
    EloiseGC reacted to Swagato in You have been accepted! Can you help us, PLEASE?   
    I've received a lot of help from the forum, and I'm willing to pay that forward. So, feel free to PM me for specific questions if you'd like, and I'd be happy to do what I can.
    1. Do you have a graduate degree?
    Yes, MA.
    2. Did you graduate from an Ivy league and/or a top art history program (undergrad, grad, or both)?
    Undergrad: Definitely not. Grad (MA): UChicago.
    3. Did you contact the POI(s) of the schools you were accepted to ahead of time?  Email, phone and/or in person?
    Yes. Email and phone.
    4. Did you have an interview?  if so, how many?
    5. Was this your first time applying? If not, second or third?
    6. Are all your offers fully funded?
    Yes. (Isn't this the norm in Art History?)
    7. How many offers have you gotten so far?
    Two, and I'm waitlisted at another two. However, my interests are a bit interdisciplinary, and I'm waitlisted at Pittsburgh for English+Film Studies, and at USC for Critical Studies.
  7. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from mooncake88 in some art history humor to help us through these dark days   
    Hang in there!
  8. Downvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from Dissertationista in 19th c european art   
    I'm fairly certain that the above poster IS Dr. Weingarden..... 
    The user created their account yesterday.... for the sole purpose of promoting Lauren Weingarden on two seperate threads....
    Not sayin', just sayin'...
  9. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from Ohm in If you were made 'Chief Admissions Officer' for the world   
    1. Standardized applications. DEAR LORD. STANDARDIZED APPLICATIONS. One program, all your information.
    2. Lower the damn application fee.
    3. Have adcomms release dates of decision in advance.
    4. Funding. Enough said. 
  10. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from mooncake88 in 19th c european art   
    I'm fairly certain that the above poster IS Dr. Weingarden..... 
    The user created their account yesterday.... for the sole purpose of promoting Lauren Weingarden on two seperate threads....
    Not sayin', just sayin'...
  11. Upvote
    EloiseGC reacted to eaboo316 in PSA: take a deep breath and smile!   
    I love the manatee, so cute!!  I also want to share a video with you guys that made me forget just about everything unpleasant in life when I watched it!  If you like baby bunnies, this will be cuteness overload for you!

  12. Upvote
    EloiseGC reacted to Borden in some art history humor to help us through these dark days   
    Bless you, sir, for this link. Bless you.

    Who took this picture of me after checking all my application sites? Which one of you?
  13. Upvote
    EloiseGC reacted to Jonathan Livingston in some art history humor to help us through these dark days   
  14. Downvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from ryree2 in FALL 2013 APPLICANTS!   
    Made me smile. And then made me cry. Mixed emotions.
  15. Downvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from ryree2 in PSA: take a deep breath and smile!   
    I needed this. <3
  16. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from anxiousanthro in If you were made 'Chief Admissions Officer' for the world   
    1. Standardized applications. DEAR LORD. STANDARDIZED APPLICATIONS. One program, all your information.
    2. Lower the damn application fee.
    3. Have adcomms release dates of decision in advance.
    4. Funding. Enough said. 
  17. Downvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from ryree2 in If you were made 'Chief Admissions Officer' for the world   
    1. Standardized applications. DEAR LORD. STANDARDIZED APPLICATIONS. One program, all your information.
    2. Lower the damn application fee.
    3. Have adcomms release dates of decision in advance.
    4. Funding. Enough said. 
  18. Upvote
    EloiseGC reacted to EloiseGC in Rutgers   
    Or UGA. Or U of Washington, too. Ha, any of those.
  19. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from Hegel's Bagels in 19th c european art   
    I'm fairly certain that the above poster IS Dr. Weingarden..... 
    The user created their account yesterday.... for the sole purpose of promoting Lauren Weingarden on two seperate threads....
    Not sayin', just sayin'...
  20. Upvote
    EloiseGC reacted to lindsey10 in Duke   
    Contacted the DGS and got the expected "admits have until April 15th..." so just in case you are a Duke admit and you know for sure you will go elsewhere, please decline when possible. I wouldn't normally be so bossy-sounding, but I'm on Duke's wait-list and my 2nd-choice school wants an answer in 3 weeks. Many, many thanks! I'll also post this on the results board for those who don't read the forums. Thanks again and best wishes! :-)
  21. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from mooncake88 in Cornell Art History Fall 2013?   
    Not necessarily! 
    There's still time
  22. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from juliette22 in FALL 2013 APPLICANTS!   
    Made me smile. And then made me cry. Mixed emotions.
  23. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from HannahPie in FALL 2013 APPLICANTS!   
    Made me smile. And then made me cry. Mixed emotions.
  24. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from apotheosis in FALL 2013 APPLICANTS!   
    Made me smile. And then made me cry. Mixed emotions.
  25. Upvote
    EloiseGC got a reaction from Flaneuse in FALL 2013 APPLICANTS!   
    Made me smile. And then made me cry. Mixed emotions.
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