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  1. DaniCM -- I too commiserate on the stress of ruminating over different options! You really can't go wrong with either option, but you want to pick the BEST of those options. I attended SIPA's admitted day and can give you my impressions but they were also supposed to post webcasts of the main sessions on their YouTube channel so you can see for yourself. I ultimately ended up turning down my SIPA offer (which included a $28K fellowship and a spot in the IFP). I share your concern about the large/impersonal nature of the program, and that concern was not at all assuaged by Admitted Students Day. I also felt like the faculty were really trying to sell the SIPA brand vs. the merits of the academic program itself (which became confusing with all the concentrations, specializations and special programs). I decided on another program that I instantly knew was the right fit for me upon attending their Admit Day. I was definitely nervous though that I wouldn't feel this way and my choice would not be as obvious. I too have read a lot of your posts and I think flyingjellyfish's response is right on the mark -- I think you're going to have a great experience at Fletcher! I have a number of former colleagues who are Fletcher grads and cannot say enough about their positive experiences. Best of luck!
  2. I replied to the individual who signed my offer of admission.
  3. supbla, feel free to check out my 2013 Wrap Up - Final Decisions post.
  4. My first choice program bested their offer after I inquired.
  5. I was just informed by my first choice school (who gave me no funding in the first round) that they are now able to exceed my highest funding offer from other programs (!!!) Shocked and ecstatic! Let my example show, it pays to be persistent -- don't give up folks!
  6. I just turned down my offer of admission which came with a half-tuition fellowship and a spot in the International Fellows Program. Hope that helps the wait list folks!
  7. Did anyone go to the regional specialization sessions? I opted to do Financial Aid and the Student Panel instead, but I'm curious how folks feel about the quality of these vs the functional specializations (particularly African Studies).
  8. They did emphasize the importance of networking -- if you want to work with a professor, start talking to him/her ASAP. On our campus tour, a current student mentioned that you need to graduate in the top 5 of a class in order to be a competitive TA candidate for it, but I'm not sure whether that's based on fact or just perception.
  9. DaniCM, a TA position would be $20K per semester -- if you can hold a position both semesters, that's $40K or nearly full tuition. Denisse, I didn't necessarily learn anything about EPD that I wasn't able to find out on SIPA's website. The one item of note that I wrote down is that EPD students travel overseas (1-2 weeks) to consult with their capstone client. This is unique to EPD and funded through a combination of SIPA/the client/the student.
  10. I also attended Admitted Students Day yesterday. According to SIPA's Financial Aid Office, 65-70% of second-year students receive assistantships. They range in size from $6-$20K per semester with the average being $10,500 per semester. The higher range is for TA positions which require a 20-25 hour commitment per week.
  11. Thanks both -- I'll try to give them a ring today. I received my financial aid package on March 22nd so you might want to follow up with them.
  12. I find it telling that I get multiple emails a day from SIPA promoting their various concentrations/specializations, student association, etc but I'm getting radio silence in response to an email query I sent them over a week ago (+ a friendly reminder) about Admitted Students Day.
  13. Thanks lobsterphone. I actually have two other great options more in line with my interests and professional goals, so UChicago is out of consideration. For others who had my question though, here is the response I got back from Team Harris: So the way the Harris curriculum is structured is that everyone takes the same classes over the first two quarters or so and then everyone can focus on their policy concentration over the remaining year/ year and a quarter. The logic is that everyone should learn the fundamentals of economics/ statistics and policy analysis (which are topics that can be applied at a global scales) before they apply these to their different disciplines. Haven said that, both Harris and other departments in the University (which are open to Harris students) offer ample classes on International Related issues. Around 40-45 % of the student pool is international, and I would say most of them are interested in doing work abroad and their focus is on non-domestic policy. I suggest you take a look at the Committee on International Affairs and Public Policy Student Group at The Harris School (perhaps contact the chair) http://harrisschool.uchicago.edu/applied-experience/student-organizations/ciapp And at the Harris classes: http://harrisschool.uchicago.edu/degrees/courses/all-courses Also, if you are interested, there exists a joint-degree program between Harris and the Committee on International Relations: http://cir.uchicago.edu/page/academics In a nutshell, the program is not focused on domestic policy, rather, it is a flexible program that can be curved according to ones' interests. I hope this helps. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any other questions.
  14. Extremely helpful -- thanks ASEANdumpling!
  15. ASEANdumpling, would you mind sharing a template of the letter you send Columbia? They actually gave me a pretty generous package, but I would like to see if I can use that as leverage to negotiate fellowship funding from another program. Many thanks in advance!
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