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    2013 Fall

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  1. Interesting, I did not know that. My program requires four courses before you start clinic.
  2. That seems kinda crazy to me. So they have you treating clients without any foundational coursework aside from undergraduate prereqs? Is that normal?
  3. You're not in clinic already, are you? Or do you mean you're preparing for for clinic?
  4. I don't know much about the SLP-A certification because they don't have it in my state. If you can't find employment there, try volunteering/shadowing somewhere in addition to whatever you do for a living now. I think this is a great way to learn about the field, network, gain experience, and possibly secure a LOR for the future. I did this for a semester and I think it definitely helped my application. I imagine this might help you to get an SLP-A position in addition to getting into grad school sometime down the road. Good luck!
  5. i know at least 5 students in my program who were accepted before they did their pre-reqs.
  6. rejected about a week ago via snail mail
  7. Just did the same. Same result. Hope they don't spend my application fee all in one place.
  8. Does anyone know of any cheap community colleges that offer online courses that might fulfill these requirements? As I mentioned, I need a chem or physics course. I found this one place called Clovis Community College that offers really cheap online courses but they only have chemistry this summer and it's 4 credit hours with a lab. I was hoping to find one without a lab...
  9. do you think schools that wait this long to give decisions suffer in terms of the quality of incoming students because people are accepting other offers by now? or are there so many qualified prospective speechies that it doesn't make a difference?
  10. I also got an email from them a couple of days ago asking if I planned on taking one of their pre-reqs over the summer. I told them I was, even though I won't be because I've already accepted another admissions offer and don't need the class for my program. I feel the same way as you though; I worked hard on my application and spent the $75 or however much it was for them to review my application, so they're gonna review it! =)
  11. I think at this point they have already determined the people who are candidates for GA positions in the speech clinic. I do know though that there are other positions available elsewhere on campus. From what I've heard, the speech program is highly regarded among all the departments and other departments are always eager to take on GAs from the speech program. I don't think you'd have a problem getting an assistantship, as long as you don't mind doing it in an unrelated area. Some people I know in the speech program have assistantships that they love with the education program.
  12. I just accepted Kean's offer today and submitted my deposit!
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