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Everything posted by bar_scene_gambler

  1. The convener of the MA Program in Continental Philosophy at Warwick (who is a member of the department and is responsible for recommending applicants for admission). I think, despite saying that they "recommend" you for admission, the department inevitably makes the choice as to who gets offered admission.
  2. I was notified, first by informal email, then by a formal offer of acceptance (again, through email). Might not be indicative of all programs, but it's probably not uncommon.
  3. Holy shit that was hilarious. I hope no one around here is thinking about doing "The Ethics of Baton Twirling".
  4. I don't think that's it. It makes women seem far too meek. Realistically, I doubt the aggressive nature of philosophy (or many philosophers) is any more intimidating to women than it is to men, at least, not aggression qua aggression. Perhaps, with other contributing factors, but not on its own.
  5. Of course. I've never met a woman (well, maybe I've met one woman, but she was the rotten apple of the bunch) who wasn't at the very least my equal (and many I've met do far better work than I). I don't think it's an uncommon mindset within our generation of philosophers. My guess is that it's a combination of things. For one, the stunted ratio is probably foreboding in and of itself. It probably serves to scare many women away, towards more accepting fields. Another thing is probably that many institutions are still "good-old-boy clubs", so to speak. I would hazard a guess and say that many Ivy League and private institutions have environments which change much slower than others (I know my university is that way). Of course, there are bound to be a plethora of other factors, but I'm sure they at least contribute in some meaningful way to the stunted male:female ratio.
  6. Sorry my dumb morning brain though dearth meant excess. I recant. There is definitely a dearth of women philosophers, both here and in academia.
  7. I wouldn't say a dearth, per se, but there are a handful of women around here (just like the amount of women in philosophy I guess)
  8. So what's up with the philosophers' names in Lost? I'm watching season 4 right now (I think) and I still don't get how Hume's, Locke's, Bentham's (still don't know who he actually is), Bakunin's, Burke's, or Rousseau's names are even remotely related to the respective philosophers. Will there be more philosophers' names popping up?
  9. I'm going to be working part-time to try to pool a bit of cash together. Other than that, I'll be working with one of my current professors to do an in-depth reading of Difference and Repetition, since he's a Deleuze guy and I've never bothered to actually do any Deleuze with him.
  10. It's official. I received the official offer of acceptance from the graduate school at Warwick this morning. Now I just have to wait on that damn Fulbright committee. Any idea how long I have to accept or deny? The convener couldn't tell me exactly how long I had.
  11. U Warwick lol. But the next school I think I'll hear back from is Chicago. No particular reason for me thinking that beyond my thinking that, earlier submitted, earlier accepted/rejected.
  12. I'm going to say February 1st. I'm guessing someone will get an informal email soon, but I don't think it'll be that soon.
  13. That does not bode well for the future. What will you do when you have a faculty position and you don't have required readings anymore?
  14. Quite a few of the departments I've applied to are okay with "unofficial now, official when accepted". Penn State told me (after I forgot to mail my scores to them) that the self-reported stuff was okay for the admissions process. I get the feeling that some places genuinely don't care, but policy dictates that they ask for the official scores outright.
  15. Yours as well. I'm not headed anywhere strong in Chinese phil, so you'll be better off at any of those places than I will. I'll probably have to do the work on my own, as a side interest. I decided I was more interested in Post-Kantian and Continental philosophy, so that's how I picked my places.
  16. Looks like you're applying to some good schools, but you'll be missing out on any good Chinese philosophy programs (except for Duke, which has David Wong I guess). What's your area of interest in Chinese thought?
  17. Same thing happened to me with my Penn State app. I just emailed Dr. Lawlor and he told me that, since my scores were self-reported, I'd be okay for the mean time, but that they'd eventually need to see official documentation. I'd send the department an email.
  18. Did anyone else apply to Penn State? Did anyone else find it weird that the self-reported GPA was only supposed to be the cum. from the last 3 semesters?
  19. Essentially what I mean is that, if in the last decade a large majority of people thought it was a fantastic show, I haven't seen it (except for Game of Thrones because I liked the books). So I haven't watched any of those shows. How is Mad Men? I didn't think a show about advertising would be interesting.
  20. Did you ever think that we're here, not because we want to discuss philosophy, but because we're looking for a place to escape the seriousness of philosophy for a while? The whole process is quite stressful, and I'm here, not because I want to have serious conversations about philosophy (which I get plenty of in my department and with other majors) but because I want to casually chat about things vaguely philosophy related with people who understand how stressed I am right now. I speak for myself of course, but I'd hazard a guess and say that there are at least a few others here who are here primarily for commiseration. Oh, and I finally gave up on being a hipster about tv shows and decided to catch up on the popular tv shows that people have watched over the last decade. I'm starting with Lost, and other suggestions?
  21. To be fair, the moderators banned you, not us. And you were saying some pretty awful things.
  22. I know U Chicago's department pays for your flight there and back and set you up with one of their grad students for a few days. I don't now about other places though.
  23. I think my greatest strength is the quality of my recommendations. I was fortunate enough to be able to see them (albeit accidentally), and my recommenders say wonderful things about me as a student and as a potential philosopher.
  24. It's just nice knowing I have somewhere to go, although even that is conditional upon getting Fulbright funding. It sucks that they don't fund MA students, but it'll give me somewhere to go for a year at the very least.
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