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Everything posted by bar_scene_gambler

  1. I'm not sure if you're joking considering that there is apparently someone here who knows my first name because she recognized my writing style.
  2. No, I've never really had any interest in race and gender theory. Not that it isn't valuable, it's just that I have never wanted to read anything that deals with race or gender. It's just not my thing. The only race/gender theorist I have ever had an interest in is Angela Davis, and that's mainly because of her stuff on the prison system.
  3. Interestingly this list contains pretty much everyone who has been worth reading in the last 200ish years EDIT: Scratch that, this list has pretty much every important philosopher on it. Except for bell hooks. Who the hell is that?
  4. Booooooo!!! Oh, and my vote is for pretty much any analytic philosopher. I can do that right?
  5. As in I'm currently taking a course in logic. I want to be able to test out of my logic requirement in grad school and I don't pay for classes at my uni, so I decided to take symbolic logic again this semester for fun. It's so easy that I don't have to worry about studying, and I can do fun things like proofs in pen.
  6. if p then q. Not muthafuckin' q. Therefore not p. Word to yo mutha
  7. I'm going to go drinking with my fellow philosophy majors. We've been like a family for the last few years, and I'm really going to miss them. I'll probably be a weepy drunk that night.
  8. I'm moving as close to the first day of classes as well. I need as much time to save up money, especially if I get into GSU, given their modest stipend.
  9. You should be ashamed considering that your stated AOI is "Philosophy of Hip-Hop"
  10. I can see it now, you presenting on "The Teleological Argument in Rev Run's Distortion", me presenting on some Nietzsche shit. It would be fantastic.
  11. The latter. If I were to symbolize it it would be M ^ G, not M v G.
  12. So does this mean that you can't post on this thread anymore?
  13. So what you're saying is that there's a slightly less than 50% chance that I'll have to find you and kill you to ensure that I move up GSU's waitlist...
  14. You have no idea how happy I am for you. I've been rooting for you this whole time.
  15. I mean, I did competition foil as well, but my club was large enough that we had a few serious historical instructors as well. I did 17th century rapier, but there was also some different kinds of historical instruction in things like broadsword, knife skills, short sword, etc. Unfortunately, the SCA does attract some seriously irritating neckbeards, the kind that believe that they were born in the wrong century and actually belong on a medieval battlefield despite the fact that they still live with their mum and only do this stuff for fun on the weekends. But I'd like to think that there are enough people who are serious about the historical study of the various martial arts to at least provide a counterbalance to the weekend warriors.
  16. This. I used to fence (I studied 17th century rapier in addition to the usual foil and sabre studies), and some SCA events are absolutely spectacular.
  17. Your college and university key is meant to rank philosophy departments, or just US News rankings? Because my university isn't on there, but it's Top 40 US News.
  18. From what I can tell, there are some decent places to live. I've been looking at places in Decatur and a bit further out. Longer commute but its worth it.
  19. I applied to GSU, NIU, Warwick, and U Houston. I was admitted to Warwick, waitlisted at GSU, and I'm assuming rejected from NIU and Houston. In addition, I was admitted to Chicago's MAPH program (along with the rest of the Western Hemisphere), which I declined promptly. I'm hoping GSU accepts me off the waitlist, given that I'm moving to ATL one way or another.
  20. You glorious bastard. If I get in I'll do something for you, maybe send you some baked goods or a case of beer or something.
  21. Has anyone waitlisted at GSU heard anything yet? I'm anxiously hoping that I'll get off the waitlist soon.
  22. I honestly think your best best is to work on a writing sample and do some language work. Things are hard enough for us, being continental-leaning applicants in a predominantly analytic environment, so the best thing you can do is make yourself into the strongest applicant possible.
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