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Everything posted by bar_scene_gambler

  1. He is, but he's a special kind of Nietzsche guy. It's funny how things can be so divided, even within such a small field as Nietzsche scholarship.
  2. It's not really hearsay or rumor to call the man pugnacious or self-important. In fact, it's fairly public knowledge, given that all you have to do is revisit some of his posts on his own blog. But, it's neither here nor there. It wasn't particularly useful nor appropriate for me to have said anything, so I apologize if I've offended you.
  3. No, that wasn't really my point. I have my own qualms with the PGR, but they're separate from why I personally dislike the idea of working with Leiter. I was merely agreeing with Johannes. And one or two comments certainly doesn't change the environment of the entire thread.
  4. To be fair, I don't think it's a coincidence that the placement rate at the schools you're talking about is less impressive than Leiter ranked programs. We all know that the US philosophical climate is notoriously analytic, and we know that there's some controversy over the PGR ignoring good, but more continental programs. Personally, I think it boils down to philosophical climate more than the programs themselves not being quality programs. Take Emory for example. It's a pluralistic school, with heavy continental leaning, which has a pretty good placement record and the resources available to give graduate students a solid education in philosophy, and yet it is completely unranked. The problem is the climate, not the PGR itself. The PGR is going to rank schools based upon the philosophical climate in the US, and if more people are being placed out of analytic departments, it's more than likely because more departments are looking for, say, logicians and philosophers of science than aestheticians or people who work in Phenomenology. It isn't because the continental schools don't provide a good education, it's that those things which we're studying don't mesh well with the way philosophy is done in the US. That isn't to say that the PGR is totally blameless. After all, it's not like there aren't fantastic continental schools. The "What the Rankings Mean" section may be chock full of utter bullshit, and the rankings may be biased, but that doesn't make the PGR useless, and it certainly isn't an unjustified bias. That's just my two-cents.
  5. I sort of share your sentiment, but for different reasons. The faculty at my uni who have met the man have all pretty much said he's a rather pugnacious self-important dick. Plus I've been told that he and Pippin don't get along so well, which would have been bad news for my dissertation work.
  6. I'd wear one. Just a little button on the lapel, maybe have a quote from dfindley on it.
  7. Bit late to the party, but I too received my Loyola rejection today. Don't you think email would have been a more convenient (and humane) way of letting us know?
  8. I doubt that dorms are really a possibility, given that we're looking to live with each other and we aren't married yet. I don't know how bad things really are traffic-wise, but if it's a choice between safety and a long commute, I'd choose the latter.
  9. No word from NIU yet and U Houston (I think, but the email was confusing) offered me admission, but it was unfunded. My significant other got a great scholarship from GSU though for Environmental Studies (Science?) and I can't rightly deny her the opportunity to go, so I think I'll be going there one way or another. I can do all the work I need to do in order to improve my application there while working, and I can keep in touch with my faculty long distance, so it's not really a major issue. The way I see it, they either offer me admission, in which case I'll be going there anyway, or they don't and I'll see if I can introduce myself to some of the faculty I'd like to work with in person.
  10. My significant other and I are moving to Atlanta (I was waitlisted and she was accepted to GSU), so we're looking at apartments. Problem is, the ones that seem to be affordable all seem to be in iffy looking neighborhoods and the reviews that we find pretty much confirm my suspicions. We are completely unfamiliar with the city, and as such, are kind of at a loss. What parts of Atlanta are safe? Where should we be looking for apartments? We're looking for a two bedroom apartment around 700-800 dollars a month. Is that doable? And what is the cost of living like? Any help you guys/girls could provide would be immensely appreciated.
  11. U Chicago's Philosophy Dept. doesn't do waitlists. So my guess is that you're either rejected outright or rejected with an MAPH offer.
  12. Didn't see it. I wasn't offered funding. You?
  13. It's okay. I wasn't serious anyways. I've mostly accepted the fact that I'll need to reapply and I'm working out how to improve my application for next time. It is totally unprofessional though. It's not exclusively done in philosophy though, so I wouldn't let it bother you too much.
  14. Oh rub it in why don't you. I'll just go back to my corner and cry sob sob.
  15. It's not funded as far as I'm aware and it's not just philosophy. Beyond that, everything I've heard about it has been bad news (mostly that it's a university cash cow). EDIT: The followup email pretty much confirms it. No mention of funding whatsoever. 9 months to get an MA? No thanks.
  16. Same here lol. Such a waste of time. Of course not! How would the university get money if they didn't suck desperate philosophy students dry? "but our admissions committee found your file strong enough to recommend you for admission to the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities." I'm sure they did.
  17. Thanks dude! You too! UVA would be awesome.
  18. Not sure whether to put this in the rejection or acceptance thread lol. I was rejected officially by U Chicago a few moments ago, but offered admission to the MAPH program. I expect I'll deny it, given that it's just a money pit and probably a waste of my time. I'm a bit unimpressed by the concept as a whole, but maybe someone else will want my place.
  19. It looks like the only place I really have a chance at is GSU. I think I'm going to move there one way or another, because GSU gave my significant other a scholarship that she can't pass up. Anyone been to Atlanta before?
  20. Not really. Like I said, I chose MA programs based upon their placement records. That being said, I only applied to those that had money to offer. Hence, I didn't apply to Tufts despite its stellar placement record.
  21. My reason in choosing the MA programs which I applied to (excluding Warwick) was to choose programs which placed well into PhD programs. I didn't take faculty interest into consideration, hence I applied to NIU even though there's practically no one there interested in anything related to my interests. I applied to Warwick because I was applying for Fulbright money and would have liked to work with Ansell-Pearson for a year, but that fell through. Between GSU and U Houston, I would prefer to go to GSU much more than U Houston, but having been waitlisted, things are far from certain. I think I'd be okay with accruing a little debt to go to GSU, but I'm a bit hesitant to take on a deal of debt to go to U Houston and taking on the amount of debt necessary to attend Warwick at this point is pretty much a non-option for me. I really appreciate the advice though guys. aduh, For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure Warwick has a much stronger department in terms of most of the areas that I'm interested in, including post-Kantian philosophy. I would go if it were the economically sensible thing to do.
  22. That's very true. I suppose it's worth a go one way or another. I'm hoping I get of GSU's waitlist though.
  23. Any clue what out of state tuition is? I'm trying to figure out whether or not it's worth it, given the pathetic state of my admittance record thus far.
  24. I just got an email from U Houston saying that they selected applicants who will be considered in a second round for TAships. I apparently wasn't one, but they want me to let them know whether I'd like to be considered from admission without aid. Sooooo does that mean I was accepted without aid or what? It's kind of confusing me.
  25. I'm not really sure the distinction matters, but if people want to go for it, I won't be upset. I'm just concerned with sample size. 44 votes is great, but it doesn't really seem like enough to indicate any kind of trend. Anyway, I'll keep track of the acceptance, waitlist, and rejection threads and take the posts into account as I compile the information.
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