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    2013 Fall
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    Speech-Language Pathology

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  1. First, ask your school what classes would be acceptable to fulfill your requirement. I took a (very easy) astronomy course with a physics prefix that is going to count for my physical science requirement. You may not actually have to take an actual physics or chem class
  2. Agreed. Most programs are quite small, which makes them ALL very competitive. I only applied to four schools, and thankfully that worked out okay for me, but I would recommend applying to more. Every school seems to have its own way of evaluating applicants. Apply to a wide range of schools, whether or not you see them as a "safety" or a "reach". Hopefully that will ensure that your strengths line up with a program's values! And I agree with katieliz456 - emphasize anything that makes you different! Good luck!
  3. SKK013, I got an email from Dr Stillman with a letter attached. It told me who my advisor was and how to set up advising to enroll. If you haven't received it, I would just email Dr Stillman and ask! It sounds like we pretty much have all summer
  4. Nevermind, I just got the e-mail
  5. Has anybody heard anything about advising, orientation or enrollment yet? I feel like I haven't heard anything since I accepted and was wondering if that was everybody or just me, ha!
  6. SLPSteph

    Waco, TX

    Yeah, they do and the guards are great! I saw then kick a couple of people out - including a friend of mine that they thought looked suspicious, ha! But yeah, I always felt totally safe there
  7. To kind of echo what other people are saying here, I called my program director the other day because I was worried about my astronomy course counting. She told me ASHA has kind of backed off and now "suggests" that your credit comes from physics or chemistry but that your school ultimately makes the decision. Mine is going to count towards the requirement. So if you're not sure - just call your program
  8. SLPSteph

    Waco, TX

    I also did my undergrad at Baylor! Waco's not the most exciting town, but I enjoyed my time there Definitely stay close to campus in terms of housing. There are quite a few options within walking distance of campus and several that are only a few minutes by car. I don't know what prices are like in Phoenix, but Waco housing is comparatively cheap, which is really nice! There are a number of gated communities, which are probably some of the safest, if that is a concern. A word of advice though: avoid a complex called La Mirage! It's really cheap and super close to campus, but I lived in the complex behind it (called the Village - I really liked my apartment there) and it's super sketchy. Lots of non-student residents and we saw cops in there multiple times. In terms of restaurants, I would agree with khyleth. Clay Pot and Food for Thought are really close to campus too. There's also a McAllister's just across the highway, but you shouldn't have a problem finding vegetarian options. Yes, Southerners generally love their meat, but there are more restaurants in Waco than most people think! I hope that helps! Hope you love your time there, and say hi to the bears for me!
  9. KristaLeigh89, thanks again for your help! I'm hope we're not overwhelming you with our questions - it's so nice to have someone to ask! I was told that I would be paying in-state tuition, which I'm super thankful for, but I'm still concerned about all the remaining costs. Are there many (if any) on-campus jobs available? Is it reasonable to try to hold a part-time job outside of school or is that too much on top of courses and practicum? I'm just not looking forward to having this much debt hanging over my head :/
  10. Thanks! I didn't use a tutor or a class (I tried to sign up for one but waited too long and it filled!) I studied on my own using a book - I think it was Kaplan. It really helped! I needed to do a lot of reviewing for the quantitative section because I had forgotten a lot, but probably the biggest thing was VOCAB! My book had a list of the most common GRE words and I made flash cards to study them. I really think that made a big difference. I hope that helps, and good luck!
  11. My scores were 169 verbal, 162 quantitative and 5.0 AW. I did not have any significant volunteer experience. I think the three schools I was accepted to (OU, Baylor and UTD) may have accepted me primarily on the basis of those and my GPA (3.88). But, I was wait listed at Vanderbilt, which was likely the most competitive school I applied to and I think things like that were the reason. It seems to me that the highest ranked schools are looking for very well-rounded applicants and I would bet that volunteer experience would be something they would like to see. SO, if you're planning to apply next year, I would recommend working on your GRE score (if necessary - idk what yours is) and DEFINITELY volunteer as much as you can (and then talk it up in your SOP!), especially if you're applying for competitive schools. I hope that all makes sense! Good luck!!
  12. I'm really frustrated to hear that they have changed their requirements. Like a lot of people on here, I took an astronomy course (which does have a physics prefix) and was under the impression it would count. I guess I need to contact the grad school I'll be attending and find out whether or not mine will be enough... I guess I just don't understand why ASHA is so concerned about which physical science course we take!
  13. It sounds like timing really varies by school. You might contact the programs you're waiting on and see if you can get any information I was notified by Vanderbilt today that they have filled all of their spots and did not pull anyone from the wait list. It was a bummer, but I saw it coming and am super excited about heading to UTD in the fall! Congrats to everyone accepted off a wait list so far, and good luck to everyone still waiting!
  14. Thanks for offering to help! Haha, is there anything in particular you think we might need to know? Also, it's been discussed earlier in the thread, but I'm trying to figure out where to look for an apartment. I know about the Village and don't really want to live out in the suburbs - it just seems like quite a trek. Where do the SLP students typically live? Also, is it weird not to be part of an actual college campus or do you just kind of get used to it?
  15. So I've decided to accept UTD's offer and will be heading there in the fall! I'm sorry I couldn't give my spot to one of you two, but I really really hope you get in and that I'll see you there!!
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