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    Stalker territory
  • Interests
    Game studies, Digital Fandom, Convergence culture, Transmedia narratives
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    Not Applicable
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  1. You also might want to try Utah. Anne Jamison specializes in Fan fiction. http://fiftyshadesofpopculturetheory.blogspot.com/
  2. Yup. I can confirm Concordia. Just google faculty members from both Communications and Literature. Concordia also has an interdisciplinary program.
  3. Hmmm...try to send read some of your papers in conferences? Conferences are great places to network and learn from others.
  4. try Easyroomate. I found mine through there
  5. I would really recommend the taught MA. It only takes a year though, and the disadvantage there is that one barely has enough time to digest what one has learnt during that year. Nonetheless, taught MAs usually help students narrow down their research interests in order to come up with a very specific research proposal. All Phds though, may have to apply as MRes students first before converting that into a Phd. Usually, Phds take about 4 years. There are some opportunities to teach, but that is not usually the focus of the Phd. One is usually expected to focus on writing, conference presentations and one's research. I hope that helps.
  6. It may depend on which province and which university you may apply for. Concordia so far has been very generous in providing international students fellowships. I applied to their Communications dept though. Not sure about English. I know Quebec has some scholarships for international students, so you may have to ask around. The admissions process is a little different too because one is expected to contact POIs first before applying. My advice is, if you really want to study in Canada, contact your POI. Ask if s/he is interested in your research. Ask about funding for international students. They are usually very accommodating. Aside from McGill, UBC and Toronto, Alberta has a great rep too. I hope that helps.
  7. Of course it is . The deadline for this year's PAMLA is tonight. I'm not submitting anything though, because I want to concentrate my efforts into TAing, RAing and coursework. This is going to be my first year as a Phd student so I know I have lots of things to adjust to, and moving to another country is one of them. Still, the Riverside conference looks awesome, and if tickets to California from Montreal weren't so expensive, I would gladly attend again.
  8. Went to PAMLA last year. It was ok, but I think I want to attend smaller conferences so more people can comment on my work.
  9. Got my CAQ! It took about 6 weeks, but at least I got it.
  10. I found roommates via a site called Easyroommate. Is there a US version of this site?
  11. I have a question about CAQs. How long is the usual processing time for these things? I'm a bit concerned because I know after this, I will still have to apply for a study permit.
  12. I'm from the Philippines. I'm starting a Phd in Communications
  13. Maybe picking up the language will be easier when I get there, because here in the Philippines, I hardly know anyone who speaks French.
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