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    2014 Spring
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  1. @BhavnaLimbachia waiting to hear "ok paapa ji " in your cute voice againnnn :) waiting for #citizenkhan season 2
  2. thanks a lot for the info.. and congrats for the uvic offer! yes i am working for a voluntary thallasemia society..will gain some experience,, as i hold a medical doctor degree i also have 1 year internship in hospital. and yes i am gonna work hard on letter of intent and references..i know they hold an equal importance.. can you please guide me if mph in uni guelph is good idea? i am thinking of applying to mph sfu and masters medical sciences in mcmasters! do you have any information about how is the medical sciences masters program.????.its a research degree basically. will it be a good move ? job oppurtunities after dat ? thanks..
  3. as your just an intern yet,ubc might have been difficult.. ubc and uoft are the top end schools! they demand a lot from international students! you should have 7/7.5 bands in ielts! GRE is very important if yu have applied for ubc! i am guessinh you havent taken it!!! plus voluntary work experience is very important.. though internship is a part of degree but we can show it as a 1 year work experience in our resume.. plus academically marks are very imp//in india in professional degrees we donot get too high grades ( generally ) so dats a downer.. plus refrences n letter of intent are very important! i am not passing any judgement but i think you shud complete yur internship get some volun work experience , do gre ( ubc ) and then apply.. if yu apply withot these things yul likely be rejected and will lower your morale! so best of luck! hope yu get good news from sfu! i havent applied to ne uni yet..gna apply for 2014 batch..doin some voluntary work..done with my internship and degree! you should prolly go for other uniz as well! ontario area!
  4. they take a lotta time to send out offer letters! its very competitive as well! did u apply ne where as well? as yu are from india ( same here ) they take a lotta time in checking our transcripts! so keep heart! i am going for mph sfu, mph guelph! i am a mbbs doct!
  5. Any body applied to medical sciences maters program at macmasters uni or ia going to uni guelph mph ?
  6. Whats the difference between mac global health and mph ? Is mph a more stat based ? Any views on masters medical scienes at mcmasters uni ?
  7. What should i do improve my chances in getting admission to a uni ? More voluntary work or get a work experince! I have already started voluntary stff! So till the time i apply i will have 3-4 months work experine !
  8. I know its very hard to get in the uni... The reason why i am not taking it as my primary career path! I am upto other things as well! But i really hope i will get in some uni! I am not even gonna apply to those to whom i know i will be rejected for sure !?! Did yu apply to guelph mph ? Doyu know about masters in health science program in macmasters uni ?
  9. As i am doctor ! And my studies have been jus about health related subjects !medicine , surgery , community medicine etc! Does it itself have any impact on my chances ??
  10. Well i have completed my graduation frol india! And i am a doctor now! I dont have a lot of experience but have 1 year internship in hospital, one of two voluntary camps , few cmes! As i have some time before the applications for 2014 open i am trying to do some voluntary work to stronger up my resume! 10 92% 12 78% Mbbs all four years! I have 1st division! Ielts 7 bands overall! How many chance do i have in getting admission! Well i have already ruled out ubc n uoft! I think much more voluntary work experience is needed and much better grades! Sfu is very competitive as well ! But il try my luck there ? Ne views on mph guelph! Apparantly its my first choice ! But i dont see it being popular among students! Why ??? Coz its a general mph ? No specialization ? Ne views ? How about usask ! No offence to anybody ! I have jus " heard " its very cold ! Verry cold! But crime is at max in sask province! Is it true ?? Well gna consider everythng before moving! Views are welcome ! Reply plz nebody ! That wat shud i do to make sure i get in ! Thanks!
  11. i dont wanna mess up 2013 students!! so any prospective students! for 2014 mph canada i have started this topic for 2014!so be here
  12. HI.. any body up for mph sept 2014 admission?? anybody planning to do that! need somone to discuss everyting! wud be pleased to hear from somebdy! Thinking of applyin to SFU,GUELPH?
  13. HI.. any body up for mph sept 2014 admission?? anybody planning to do that! need somone to discuss everyting! wud be pleased to hear from somebdy!
  14. HI.. any body up for mph sept 2014 admission?? anybody planning to do that! need somone to discuss everyting! wud be pleased to hear from somebdy!
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