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Everything posted by ERR_Alpha

  1. Well this season of Married at First Sight was a trainwreck... feel bad for the women.

  2. Thanks so much! This is excellent advice- my therapist really did "get" me in the brief period of time. She said how I was very in touch with my emotions and how if I was depressed I would know it- which is really what had been boggling my brain about the whole scenario.
  3. Advisor is moving across the country... So begins the process of looking for another lab

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Munashi


      Ugh, I'm sorry dude!

    3. ERR_Alpha


      Thanks :( at least it's my first year so it isn't so bad... I have to push back my candidacy exam though

    4. Threeboysmom


      Oh no! Sorry.

  4. Update for anyone who cares: Meeting with a grad student was actually nice because she understood certain stress was inherent to school. I didn't score on depression at all. She suspects that it's a sleep issue possibly tied to grad school stress. I feel a lot better.
  5. I have my first appointment counseling at 2, but of course it's with a doctoral intern. I'm trying to keep an open mind but I really don't know how this is going to help me. I'm going to emphasize the apathy, hopefully they can suggest something.
  6. I definitely feel this. On weekends I'm just like "meh, my bed is so comfortable" if I didn't have my boyfriend dragging me out to do things I would likely stay in bed all day.
  7. Yeah, I understand. I just don't "feel depressed" I guess, maybe I'm wrong. I had my evaluation and she said it could go either way... I'm on a wait list for an appointment. I'm hoping a psychologist may be able to shed some light on my situation.
  8. She did a full metabolic panel and nothing is alarming. I've gone through the ringer with the GI people and they've ruled out Crohns/Celiacs/Colitis. I'm just worried that there's something people or missing... Or that I'm crazy and that it really is all in my head.
  9. Thanks everyone. Basically, I'm capable of sleeping 12+ hours at once (which I manage to do on the weekends) and I always wake up groggy and tired. I'm having a hard time focusing, my short term memory is horrible. I've also had digestive issues which have led to no diagnosis. The woman who gave me this diagnosis is a medical doctor - not a mental health person. I have a psychological evaluation tomorrow. She's sure it's because I never adjusted properly to grad school. I just feel lost because I've been trying to eat right, exercise more, and spend more quality time with my boyfriend and my friends but nothing really seems to be helping the physical symptoms. It's hard because I don't necessarily feel depressed so I don't know what to do.
  10. Are the 8th years around for so long because of faults of their own, or is it the advisor? Some people just don't work well/efficiently or have a weird relationship with an advisor. You can try to tell if it's a systemic problem or just these two students in particular.
  11. When I did my REU I got the lab a massive bag of those Lindt truffles. (I knew they all had sweet tooths) They LOVED them. I always think "what's something I would like but would never buy for myself?"
  12. So I've been to various doctors since the beginning of graduate school for various (seemingly unrelated) issues. At my last visit, she had me fill out the depression/anxiety test. Questions like "how many days do you feel stress?" "How often do you worry about school/work?" So obviously I didn't lie... She told me I have "mild situational depression" and that EVERY GRAD STUDENT she's ever talked to will have it. (Wtf?) So two questions: 1) do you think this is legitimate? Does most every graduate student have this? Or is it just over diagnosed medical jargon? 2) has anyon ever been told they had depression but didn't actually feel depressed? I feel fine on a day to day basis, but my doctor thinks my depression is causing my health issues. Only problem is I have no idea how to tackle a problem that I don't know exists... Thanks guys!
  13. I HAD THIS PROBLEM TOO! I live in a fairly wooded area and my friend noticed little spiders crawling on my side view mirrors... then they appeared inside my car. Panic attack.
  14. My advisor doesn't understand that I have to grade for TA and study for class. I'm hiding in my apartment to finish my grading.
  15. My least favorite reaction, by far is "OMG you're a biochem PhD??? Is it like the Big Bang Theory??? Do you watch Breaking Bad? Can you make meth?" I'm also terrible at recovering from these things. I also wear my emotions on my face so when people try to say my life is like a completely stupid tv show (Big Bang) there really isn't any recovery possible. I usually try to ask them questions about what they do. One of my cohort mates girlfriends teaches special ed and we had a very indepth conversation about testing, IEPs, and the like.
  16. We had our first year wrap up meaning today, which means I've almost survived my first academic year! Just a summer stands between us and calling ourselves second years! (And candidacy... Yikes)
  17. Seems to be some confusion- Penn State Hershey and Penn State University Park are about two hours away from each other.
  18. Quick question for you all- how were you planning on doing the summers working while doing a PhD? I know my advisor would probably not go for it... Thoughts?
  19. Thanks for the reassurance. Ever since I've moved away I've realized how important family is. One of my close friends in graduate school lost her father, so I know how lucky I am to have a father I can go home and see. The science will wait... That's what I like to think.
  20. People in academia have fucked up priorities. I shouldn't be expected to skip important family events.
  21. We had someone in my program get kicked out for being a waiter on the side. I would really recommend getting the go-ahead from someone, just to be safe.
  22. FWIW the line for this appears extremely blurred in academia
  23. That is so bizarre. They let my boyfriend and I sign the lease to our apartment with just my offer letter and a bank statement that said he had $8000 in savings. He didn't even have a job at the time.
  24. We had a student here who failed twice. He tried switching programs (with his advisor pushing for him) and none of the departments would take him because he failed in our department. My best advice would be to take a masters, attempt to solidify LORs, and reapply elsewhere. A fresh start may do wonders.
  25. Aren't most sublets rooms in currently occupied apartments? The other women there may want to live with another woman. (I know for me personally cohabitating with a man that isn't my boyfriend would make me uncomfortable)
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