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Everything posted by eklavya

  1. one love
  2. with pity
  3. didn't you this few days ago too? gaga dance
  4. fair play
  5. nice call. pink tank
  6. A team
  7. grade report
  8. dreamland, bob marley. never gets old!
  9. martial report
  10. censored scene
  11. g-man, are you gone from labspaces? never posted anything there, but damn man, your posts were the best in that site. and i see your blog (on scientopia, which redirects to a blogspot page) has been moved? temporary hiatus, is it? we want you back!!
  12. have you checked the chapel hill on city section? you can also see if there are any active threads about UNC on the meet and greet sub-forum. craigslist, apt-guide, on/off campus housing sites of your school can be other sources to look at. ETA: saw that your post actually is in the city section. also try city-data.com. the forum in this website is very active for most cities. good luck!
  13. if people don't like what you say, they down vote you, even though what you said isn't wrong or offensive. some people vote down just for the sake of it. some vote down if they see that red -1 or -2 or whatever is next to the post... you know, just going with the flow. don't worry about the negative votes though.. they don't mean anything.
  14. It is not customary, but is a good etiquette to respond and say thank you. It also tells the professor that you are interested in their program, and helps a lot in building relations.. even if you decide not to attend. Congratulations on the acceptance!
  15. revolving door
  16. free commission
  17. terminal illness
  18. lingering wound
  19. really? that's very interesting. so if you took about 30 credits during your MS, none of them will be transferred into your PhD? in mine, most theory classes taken during MS (roughly 20 credits) will get transferred, therefore cutting your total period by about 1.5-2 years. although, the time required to finish a PhD also depends on your research, and on what kind of researcher you are. if you don't mind me asking, how long does it take to get a chemistry PhD? if going from undergrad?
  20. forgotten memories
  21. airport lounge
  22. if your goal is to stay in academia, getting MA before PhD might actually help you in the long run. MA will make you well prepared and more confident about your career choice. even if you were to jump straight to PhD, the time required to graduate almost equals the MA + PhD route. as for your questions: # fit is more important than prestige, but the fame of your advisor is more important than anything. settling for relatively unpopular school but with a great advisor is the smartest move # 15 hours of TA isn't too bad.. it's about average i think # see above # like folks said above, MA institution isn't given much priority if you have a PhD. but if you capped with an MA, then yes, the last institution is looked at
  23. household items
  24. solar power
  25. Yo mama so ugly, she pukes each time she looks at the mirror. Yo mama so dumb, she got -2 on the GRE. Yo mama so fat, she was hauled by a cargo ship to the interview weekend. Yo mama so stupid, she stole the free brochures at the recruitment weekend. Yo mama so dumb, she runs out and checks her mail box every time her email says 'Inbox 1'. Yo mama so dumb, when the PoI's answering machine told to leave a voicemail, she yelled into an empty envelope. During the interview weekend, I was in the midwest with yo mama. It was very cold outside, so I said 'it's chilly outside'. She went and got a spoon. Yo mama so dumb!
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