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Everything posted by eklavya

  1. body mover
  2. large belly
  3. catholic nun
  4. princess bride
  5. phd degree
  6. lemon law
  7. swan song
  8. i live in the west coast. i hit the sack every night with the hope that when i wake up, my inbox will have some emails from schools that are in +2 hours time zone. alas, hope has never come true :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DrPepper-olic


      Me too! And I wake up before east coast business hours start...

    3. eklavya


      shasha - ditto here.. am going nuts!

      pepper - that's even nuttier! talk about anxiety, right?

    4. Neuronista


      OMG I live on the other side of the world so business hours where I live are sleeping hours in my programs' time zone! good luck people. Hopefully we'll all get that acceptance e-mail soon wherever we are!

  9. turtle racing
  10. roll tide
  11. blood clots
  12. washed clothes
  13. my territory
  14. blue sun
  15. labor union
  16. receiving dock
  17. plant cell
  18. stormy vibes
  19. just hold on there.. for only 3 more days. i know i say only, but it's ultra-impossible to keep up the patience, after all we've been through. i hope it's the good news coming your ways. all the best!!
  20. phone ringer
  21. smarty pants
  22. brain surgery
  23. monkey dance
  24. empty room
  25. bus station
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